Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Lionstar - Chikolsonas Reptilian Draconian Vampire Trance Of The Monarch...

Space Opera - Space Rock

Reptilian Draconian Vampire Trance Of The Monarch Butterfly
FREE song download. FREE use. Enter the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault…….. http://supernatural-gospel-gears.bandcamp.com/track/vampire-draconian-trance-of-the-monarch-butterfly
I was driving to Gettysburg with my Blood Moon Guild Cinematographer documentarian Robin Sparrow when out of the blue we found ourselves going down a strange road going around these road blocks that had been put up to slow down anyone coming in. I soon realized we were on the road to Raven Rock Mountain Military Complex. Somehow we had been hit with a Potion #13 Burundanga Shocking Blue Trance and we were asleep and awake and the same time driving towards the base under mind control. We had no will or decisions of choice. We knew we would follow any and all commands. The Reptilian 6th sector Reptilian Vampire Drac Chikolsonias wanted to show us inside the base. When we reached the entrance Chikolsonas was standing at the entrance. We stopped the car and got out with soldiers and snipers all around. But they couldn’t see us or Chikolsonias. We were cloaked and they too were also put in a Permafrost Waking Dream trance.
I asked the 6th sector Drac why did he bring us here. He said he wanted to give us a tour of the weird mysterious Raven Rock underground complex for an upcoming mission.
Somehow we started talking about Reptilians and humans. I told him the Reptilians were evil
And violent that they had drank the blood of humans for thousands of years in their rituals and tortured their victims. Although the 6th sector Dracs no longer engage in the activity the 9th sector Hexbelt region Reptilian Dracula’s still do. He got pissed and hissed at me in a snaky tone of anger.
He told me Humans are far more violent and bloody. That down through the centuries there are rivers upon rivers of blood and torture. Humans torturing and killing their own race. I couldn’t really argue with him on that. So let it go. Chikolsonias is my friend and works with the Guld.
We hopped into a jeep and started to go into the tunnel. I said won’t they see us? He said we’re cloaked they won’t know we’re here.
I started to think of his observing viewpoint of humans from a non-blood drinking 6th sector Drac perspective of the Vampire Drac Chikolisonias Chronis friend of the Supernatural Minstrel Gears. He’s one of the good guys helping to prepare the humans for the coming Perfect Paranormal storm surge to hit Earth. The merging of two Parallel worlds.
Chikolisonias is a Hybrid son Of Chronis the Dekalb Mengele the Nazi Angel of Death’s Eugenics created human shape shifter who escaped and has joined up with the 9th Sector Dracs now roaming Hex County here in PennSYLTranceSYLVania. This area referred to that name from the Amish because of the blood drinkng activities of the 9th sector Dracs who moved along the Lincoln Highway from York to Gettysburg during the Civil War battle there to drink the blood at night of dying crying for help soldiers there lying in the battlefield wounded.

There is a REWARD for the capture of Chronis. Chronis is wanted by the Blood Moon Guld last seen at the Chameleon Club in Lancaster. His son knows not of his whereabouts.

As drove through the tunnel heading towards a location
here is what Chikolisonia told me his thoughts and opinions on the Human Race which he
thinks the females of the species would be better leaders. I recorded his thoughts then wrote this song and put this video together to be placed in the Blood Moon Guild Song Vault to document the Supernatural Minstrel Gear era I’m currently in on my reincarnation route journey living in and documenting the coming Perfect Paranormal storm as I walk towards infinity. My mission as summoned by the Intelligent Star
Chikolisonia: Thoughts on the human race.
Silent Lyrics to song:
Human Males kill destroy will make you knell
Their Females help them stand make them heal
Different species a human woman with love
Like a different species their males kill the dove
Males will kill millions with hate
They follow psychopathic leaders who decide their fate
Their Female dances inside a snow squall
Then they get pushed around by the male with his balls
Draco Shewolfs will soon run like Angels of love
With compassion to nurture out the human rivers of blood
In a new world order to their sir’s with love
In a new world order they just might fly with the dove
In a trance of the Monarch Butterfly from the Dracs above

The Luciferian Virus spread dark Angels within
Lucifer pokes fun at the mother hen
Most males can’t even count to ten
Intelligence of only big chickens
Cowards of love who hide behind their hate
Muscle power iron fists of deadly fate
Their world may soon burn down in a hale of fire
Like melting snowflakes in a funeral pyre
The female’s may be their only salvation
To stop the carnage towards their eventual damnation
Human males kill destroy make men knell
Their females help them stand help them heal
In a new world order to their sir’s with love
In a new world order they might just fly with the dove
In a trance of the Monarch Butterfly from the Dracs above

We see a new world order to their sir’s with love
No more human males killing all the doves
No more warfare in their killing field
No more starvation lets get real
Their females may soon run their broken down world
Human males we shall shift them into girls
Still have a penis and a set of balls
But quarantined with our microchip from ruining it all
Draco Shewolfs will soon run like Angels of love
With compassion to nurture out those rivers of human blood
In a new world order to their sir’s with love
In a new world order they might just fly with the dove
In a trance of the Monarch Butterfly from the Dracs above
- Jakob Lemy Zook Supernatural Minstrel Guild Guitarist

Lionstar Operatic Graphic Novel Space COMIX
FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal
Attribution Required Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar, mysteriousfog392170804.wordpress.com
ENTER the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault…… http://jamen.do/a/503956

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