Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Perfect Paranormal Storm is heading our way

The Perfect Paranormal Storm! The stormclouds and supernatural winds of the Paranormal are gaining strength - Jakob Lemy Zook Lestat Maison - Amish Exorcism Musician

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Paranormal Cinema

The mind control invasion is on. The dead birds and dead fish in Arkansas indicates that the New World Order is on the move and have pushed the buttons of the Haarp electronic mind control machine and deathray. This is the first wave of the invasion of the Trance Of The Monarch Butterfly. The fat Haarp opera lady is now singing on the stage of the Paranormal Cinema. The ETWZ. Experimental Trance Warfare Zone. The NWO Monarchers are in communications with the 50,000 strong Blackwater Army and the M13 Demonic Killers. The Reptilian 6 are on the move. The tunnels are opening up. The invasion is on. Repeat the mind control invasion is on. Benjiman, be careful Haarpo is watching. Repeat Haarpo is watching. Location. 74653939GD745-276R - Jakob Lemy Zook - 2nd Earth Psy Ops Battalion - Mysterious Fog Trumpet Templar Unit.