Thursday, September 30, 2021

Lucifer's Christians. Trance Of The Monarch Butterfly

 Lucifer's Christians? Man o man why have these sad sorry humans turned Deplorables becoming so deranged? I'm baffled.  Scary thing going on. It's still not over. Betcha the Orange Carrot Antichrist Puppet comes back stronger than ever with Putin the Poison Chef the Reptilian Drac Russian.  And these people will get meaner and meaner until they are completely rabid with hate foaming at their souls lashing out in a sickness of mass evil. Like Fascist Germany only worse this time. Doctor Mengele has perfected his youth drug Adrenochrome. Harp Mind Control Microwave unit in Alaska now running at full power singing it's propaganda songs at night into the heads of unknowing sleeping souls. Apocalyptic