Tuesday, December 15, 2020

PSYCHO POLITICO NEWS! Is the Virus a designed artificial intelligent nanobot with a time release later kill date for those exposed?

Breaking News by the Donovan Dreamer Quintet Reporters
PSYCHO POLITICO 666 Daily Beast Report

The Supernatural Gears are Turning

                        Suppose the Virus is A.I. genetically altered Virus by the NWO that has a time release built into it. Young people who were exposed have it in their body will now also be infected as the Virus grows and mutates into a 70% fatality rate around the world. If it mutates the current vaccine will be ineffective. Its already mutating in some parts of Europe. Have you ever looked at the schematics of this virus? Its very strange. Its not alive. Its like a mechanical machine like a nanobot. The NWO has the only real antidote. It was used on Trump and several others where they recovered very quickly within three days. You won't be getting that. I suspect the one their giving out works. But they know many won't take it. Which is what they hoping for. Just like telling people to not wear masks. NWO DEPOPULATION underway. Along with what looks to be a possible famine underway if you look whats happen in Texas with massive food lines. Starvation another Depopulation horse. 

Apocalyptic horses seem to be riding right in line as predicted. https://images.app.goo.gl/oCksHdFY9bBXgJsT8

      Some say the Vaccine is designed to kill. A lethal Vaccine would be too obvious, draw to much attention if people die from it. Best way is to just have people not take it let them die from the A.I. programmed Virus. Especially if its a time release for young people who mostly don't wear masks and most likely won't take the vaccine, who have the hidden virus in their system showing no symptoms designed to lay dormant then to appear and kill later on down the road as they grow older. The virus is also learning growing its intelligence reports coming in now that its searching figuring out a way to get through masks and into your body. If it mutates which its doing in certain regions in Europe already the current vaccine will not work. They'll have to make a new vaccine again. If its designer, then prediction of 20 to 30 million dead in the coming year along with famine which seems to be in the beginning stages in Texas. The long lines for food are stunning to see. The Apocalyptic horses seem to be riding according to prediction. I trust the vaccine more to neutralize this Virus's lethal kill claws tearing up my lungs than I trust this A.I. Virus not making its way in my system and tearing my lungs up. The NWO doesn't want to kill everyone. They have quota limit. If the Vaccine kills then no one will take it and the entire human population could be killed. That's not the goal. The NWO needs their slaves and human toys to play with. Their planetary goal is around a population of 500 million. The Earth will be the NWO's playground. The one percenters won't have to deal with the human "eaters" much anymore as Henry Kissinger once referred to the middle and poor classes. Referred to us as worthless human "Eaters." That's when the 27 year war will most likely begin as forecast between the Antichrist and his followers and the Resisters that war is called Armageddon. Jakob Lemy Zook Amish Exorcism Musician, Supernatural Minstrel Gear of the ancient Blood Moon Music Minstrel Guild.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

We're still in Red Alert! We won't be Blue until after January. The election ain't over

 This is not the GOP Republican party. Its the new American Fascist Party under a full Dictatorship in the making. Republican Party is completely dead. This is the 3rd party that finally won. Won by destroying a traditional party. We're still in Red Alert. We won't be in blue until after January. So keep your powder dry so to speak. Violence and a full on Coupe may be in the making very soon. Keep an eye on the electorial college and the Supreme court. It ain't over. Trump is a Dictator with massive cult support from his base and the entire new Fascist party in power who once called themselves Conservatives. 

Supernatural Gears