Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Americans love psychopathic criminals as folk heroes

Many Americans love Criminals treat them like folk heroes when all they are is scum. John Gotti was loved in his community even though he was a cold psychopathic killer. Trump is a crime boss under the ultimate International crime boss Putin. Welcome to the real New World Order where Dictators rule the world and the only law there is is the law they make to suit there greed and power

Monday, October 7, 2019

Psychopathic Dictator Axis Of Evil

New World Order? We're definitely going into the New World Order and it's not by who you think. The psychopathic Dictators are taking over. The psychopathic Dictator Axis of Evil. Trump, Kim J, Putin, along with the new Dictatorships coming from Turkey and Pakistan are setting things up and conspiring to rule the world with China as the center of power. Welcome to the real New World Order. The GOP Congress look how they act when you see them on Cable news. Like scared sheep. Another reason why most of them are so quiet. We're in serious trouble. Because of Global warming the Russians are taking over the arctic travel routes because of the ice melt. The Kremlin coupe is moving fast they are in control of Congress right now. They are all through our infrastructure. They have the best computer system hackers in the world. They could shut us down in a second if they wanted too. And they soon will. Then they will come for all the guns and kill anyone with drones who doesn't hand them over. Dictatorships don't allow people to have guns.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Politics in the middle has destroyed the middle class

Being in the middle is what has caused all the trouble with destroying the middle class. Currently not the best way to go. Why appease the 1% corporate fascist right with all their trillions of dollars and most don't support America they don't pay taxes and their children don't go to war and make sacrifices for democracy like the poor do. Technology is moving fast. The world is changing fast because of it. Democratic Socialism is needed right now. Then I believe a whole new social engineering is on the horizon because of A.I. the singularity (2028) automation, robotics and the new fast speed 5g will change the world where robot doctors thousands of miles away can operate on patients in real time. Money will become obsolete and their will be no human jobs. We need to take charge of this technology and not let the 1% control it for their power over us.