Strange Conspiracy News from in and out of this world by the Blood Moon Minstrel Guild. FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal. Enter Blood Moon Guild Song Vault..... The Mysterious Fog Of Hex County: Paranormal adventures and songs of Supernatural Gears Guitarist Lenny Wiles Lionstar
The flag needs to be turned upside down in this current environment showing distress in this slow moving march towards Nazism rule by rich bloodline Dictatorships. Which is growing around the world especially in Europe again. ( See what's happening in Austria with Russian funding) Scary stuff. Why people want some psychopathic Dictatorship who could care less about them to lead them around like a dog on a chain is beyond me. Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves who wrote the constitution which was an excellent article but wasn't even followed by many of them. But, it is still the greatest social engineering document ever thought out. Even if is wasn't followed by many who even wrote it. Slavery, woman's voting etc. Government by the people not the corporate elites and Billionaire lobbyists. As strange as that is. But, I still believe things are going to right themselves out with technology and A.I. Go Celestial Green!
Enter the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault. FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal. Attribution required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar,
I currently get around 300 downloads a day for my music. I record really strange sci fi rock stuff these days. And got around 7 million views on Youtube through the years. When I put a price tag of 99 cents for song downloads the downloads went to Zero. LOL! So I give away for free and they can use the songs for any use commercially or personal but they have to credit me and my web site where I have links to Doctors Without Borders which is my charity and have T shirts on there which goes to charity. I'm retired now played pro for 10 years in the 70's so don't really care about the money at this stage of my life. They did use the beginning of one of my songs for the winner announcements on Americas got talent for free. And of course they didn't credit me. Typical Corporate stuff. I think you can make money though giving your songs away for free to get fans to your web site where you can sell other things like tshirts or maybe even find a sponsor. I know a group who got a sponsorship from a Whiskey company. Selling songs for the most part is a thing of the past. Even the biggest stars like David Crosby said his income has been cut in half. Musicians when they got older could live off those classic record sales in their retirement not anymore they have to keep playing now into old age which is killing a lot of them. Enter the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault. FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal under Creative Commons License. If using please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar,
When I go for my hour walk each day in the Park. I wave at every passing person I walk by and say Hi, and wave at every car. Most people always wave back with a smile. I do this cause I think maybe they'll wave to someone and cause a chain reaction of other people waving to someone and smiling creating good vibes of waving which could circle around the world. Cause and Effect. The Butterfly effect put into action. LOL! Enter the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault. FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal. Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar,
It won't be so funny anymore when the Russians make their final move using all the useful idiots in our country and it's also happening around the world especially Europe which has already begun in Austria. Their going to try and prosecute the Wikileaks guy here in America and charge him with printing secrets as treason which will change the law so Freedom Of The Press is going to be destroyed replaced by propaganda units like Fox News. World DICTATORSHIP coming. When they break up the European union Russian is going to move across that region taking each country like dominoes falling and kill anything that moves that's in their way. The U.S. will completely collapse as it's already doing soon after. This is pure genius from the Russians on how they are pulling this off and how long and how much planning went into this. Either Putin or someone else behind the scenes. Trump was a Democrat until Melania came into the picture then he completely changed as if they put a microchip or something in his brain. Obviously Melanie is a Russian operative. There is a superior almost supernatural like intelligence going on here in this Russian coupe. Democracy is going to fall around the world. DICTATORSHIP. New World Order. Maybe even Antichrist rule. Like Steve Miller says Trumps mouthpiece, "Soon the world will know." What does he mean by soon the world will know. Enter the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault. FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal under creative commons license. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar,
Joined Russia's Facebook and set up an account there. Sent out this propaganda message with some fake news to try and influence their elections. LOL. Message translated from English spoken in Russian. Two can play the game. Although they may send the KGB out to try and find me for questioning. I've set up a force field around my house guarded by two cloaked giant Nephilim Aliens with Phasers with stun switched to off - Lenny
SPACE OPERA - Psychedelic Space Punk
From the cyberspace only LP Captain K Mission To Mars.
Jakobs Diary Song Video Podcast Gear:
Log entry 98Y67TRussianRTJennifer
The Blood Moon Minstrel Guild along with
The Anunnaki Abolition War Council has
Sent their internet hackers into the Reptilian
Russian Federation and taken control of RT
Russian Television ( Reptilian Television ) for around
5 minutes for this live broadcast from Jennifer Hurley
Communications Director for the Blood Moon Guild.
She is to deliver a message to the Russian Dracs
And their Russian Reptilian leader Lutin the Novichok Poison
Chef about a Mission To Mars to find a truce between
Reptilians and Insectoids and the Human Colonists
there and to not intervene
In bringing a peaceful solution to the stolen Alien
Artifact missing.
In Russian: Message by Jennifer Hurley on RT ( Russian Television )
Jennifer can speak over 3000 Alien languages throughout the Universe.
The Supernatural Gears
Space Rock Opera…. The Reptilian on Mars called Blue Danger Thunder.
Jakobs Log Entry: 98UYhtThe year 1961. A human Colony was sent to Mars on a secret mission with Captain K and Laura Magdalene Eisenhower President Eisenhower’s granddaughter to colonize the planet which they are now under attack from Reptilian and Insectoid Indigenous tribes on Mars. The humans were told they could stay on Mars as long as they don’t try to Terraform the landscape of the planet and to stay away from their region and a sacred cave which contains an ancient Alien artifact. The Artifact has gone missing. Mysteriously disappeared from the Martian cave. The human colonist’s have been accused of stealing the artifact. It’s not sure what happened to the sacred artifact. The human colonists have been accused. A war has broken out. In a battle a 1000 Colonists have been killed along with many of the Indigenous Reptilians and Insectoids. I’ve been summoned along with the Supernatural Gear psychic scout Ethal The Buzzard Demon Fisher by the Blood Moon Guild to travel to Mars to try and bring the humans and Martians together for peace talks and to try and find where the Artifact is. And if it was stolen. Ethal is a psychic Buzzard who is with me to try and solve what happened to this ancient mysterious alien Artifact. and have the Artifact returned if possible to end the conflict. I am also here to observed and document the incident with song to add the incident to the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault. Jakob Lemy Zook. Supernatural Minstrel Gear of the Blood Moon Minstrel Guild.
Enter the vault online for FREE song downloads.
Free use for commercial or personal purposes under Creative Commons license. Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar.
Change is still coming though for the better. Social progress will occur. Progressive change. Has too. Society can't go backwards or sit still forever. Technology is pushing social change forward. These old white men in power can't hold it back much longer. Evolutionary social change is always pushing forward towards the people and away from the few that try to hold on to their control. Enter the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault....FREE song downloads.... FREE use commercial or personal. Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar,
Jakobs Diary PODCAST: SPACE OPERA Meet The Supernatural Gears
The Supernatural Gears are tuning up tuning in…
FREE song download.
Jakobs Diary Blood Moon Guild Log Entry:
Hex County J. 7. U. P. R. 2.01.9 tuning gears.
The Supernatural Gears. The Mysterious Fog music unit in Hex County.
Are preparing for the coming Perfect Paranormal Storm. First storm surge wave will hit Hex County during a celestial equinox Blood Moon. Prophesied by the Susquehannock Nephilim Indians in the missing dead sea scroll by the human hybrid Medicine Men. The Alien Giants wiped from the face of Earth by the Paxton Boys. Through Genocide. But now have returned. Returned from their original cosmic sector. As told by the lost Dead Sea scroll hidden along the river along a river cave bank. The Supernatural Gears are currently at Gear 51 Studios. Tuning up their Instruments. Experimenting with different supernatural music devices. Music stomp box gear developed by Blackie Drac. The Reptilian 6th Vampire Drac. One of The good guys. Listen.... ( These strange very loud siren horn sounds are now being heard over large areas. Listen….. )
Hear the Supernatural Gears tuning up their strange paranormal exorcism sound gear. Getting ready for the coming battle of the bands. A microwave sound battle between the Supernatural Gears and the Mirco Wave Mind Control Siren Singers. of the Reptilian, 9th Sector Dracs. A paranormal music Opus. ending in a confrontation to save the humans of Earth. Save them from the non-lethal paranormal war known as the The Trance Of The Monarch Butterfly. A electronic Haarp Opera Mind Control Invasion. The Overture soon to sound off when seven Trumpet Templars arrive in their Starship. Alien Angel Siren Singers. From Snow fires Cosmos. Blowing seven Divine Intervention music horns. Sounding like the most strange mysterious siren sound you ever heard. The sound of an Angel blowing down from the heavens. Horns playing through 300 watt Marshal Guitar amp Stacks. Amps flown in from an Anuanaki Starship. They will blow these horns from 300 Marshal Amp Stacks from the Alien Landing Field Hilltop near Lauxmont Farms.
Mobster's used to have a hard time collecting 20% interest rate shark loans breaking legs and so on. So they sent their Kids to law school. When they got out they lobbied and paid off the politicians and made it legal to charge 30% just about any rate you want legally. Their trying to set it up now to where you can't file for bankruptcy for unsecured credit card debt. Just another example of organized crime running the country and setting policy. Enter the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault. FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal under creative commons license. Attribution required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar,
They don't vote. Historically speaking. Maybe this time it will be different considering all those kids with $160,000 30 year student loans. Bankers get them for life as slaves right away now. It only takes around 15 minutes to make up these loans from the bankers. And they got you for life. And if you don't pay they make the taxpayers pay. And you can't file for bankruptcy on these loans so you'll never be able to buy a car or rent an apartment without paying 50% loan interest to the mob all legal now. Mobsters used to have a hard getting 20%. Now it's legal charge what you want. A complete I win you lose CEO con job. lobbied for by Wall Street and their coin glutton goons. Those Kids will be old men and woman with no house still living with their parents before they get those student loans paid off. Unless their working 3 or 4 jobs. Then I guess they can buy their own home then. Another 30 year mortgage and raise some kids in their 60's and finally get to live the American dream. Enter the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault....FREE song downloads FREE use commercial or personal under creative commons license. Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar,
I used a pic of a kid with his arm blown off in Iraq in a music antiwar protest video awhile back on Youtube and it was banned. And as usual right wingers threatened to attack and kill me. What the hell is wrong with those people? Why do those right wingers love war so much and want to hurt people so much. Destroy healthcare. Take away food for the poor and sick and throw Kids in cages and on and on. There so demonic but in their seemingly demented minds some how they've convinced themselves their Christians who follow the teachings of Christ. Very weird. No point in trying to understand them because you can't and never will. Best not to confront them to walk around them stay clear of them and move forward which you can do cause their standing still in mental quicksand of their distorted beliefs. ENter the ancient Blood Moon Minstrel Vault. FREE music downloads. FREE use commercial or personal for youtube videos or multimedia projects under Creative Commons License..... ( ) Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar, supernaturalgears.
Free song download
Speaking In Alien Tongues. Song from the Captain K Mission To Mars Cyberspace LP and COMIX episode. FREE song download...
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Has Trump has actually read the Constitution? Doesn't act like it. Maybe he has doesn't like what's in it. Know he's read Mein Kampf Hitlers book how to be a Dictator. Former wife say's he kept the book under his bed read it every night. Obviously he likes what's in that book.
Enter the ancient Blood Moon Minstrel Song Vault. FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal under Creative Commons License. Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar,
The Supernatural Gears
Conspiracy Space Rock Opera….Jakobs Diary, "Trance Of The Monarch Butterfly."
The Reptilian on Mars called Blue Danger Thunder. Psychedelic Stoner Space Rock..
Jakobs Log Entry: 98UYhtThe year 1961. A human Colony was sent to Mars on a secret mission with Captain K and Laura Magdalene Eisenhower President Eisenhower’s granddaughter to colonize the planet which they are now under attack from Reptilian and Insectoid Indigenous tribes on Mars. The humans were told the could stay on Mars as long as they don’t try to Terraform the landscape of the planet and to stay away from their region and to not enter the sacred cave which contains an ancient Alien artifact believed to be one of the ancient celestial Dead Sea Scrolls. The human colonist’s have been accused of stealing the artifact as it has now gone missing.
A war has broken out and around a 1000 Colonists have been killed along with many of the Indigenous Reptilians and Insectoids. A violent Reptilian called Blue Danger Thunder is leading the attacks. I’ve been summoned along with the Supernatural Gear psychic scout Ethal The Buzzard Demon Fisher and the Angel Snowfire by the Blood Moon Guild to travel to Mars to try and bring the human Colonists and Martians together for peace talks and to try and find the artifact. It is believed to be another Dead Sea Scroll given to them by Jesus when he came to Mars thousands of years ago walking the Martian landscape before the Nephillim there reloacted to the Susquehanna valley and became the Susquehannock Indians known as Giants. Our mission is to find and have the Artifact returned and to observe and document this Martian incident with song...Jakob Lemy Zook
Blue Danger Thunder recorded Live at the Brother Sirius Zomba Room by the Supernatural Gear Guitarist Lenny Wiles Lionstar with two Supernatural Minstrel Gears on bass and drums. Drummer Dan Davis and Bassist Terry Day in Hex County in 1997. FREE song download….
( ) Free use commercial or personal under Creative Commons license. Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar,