Strange Conspiracy News from in and out of this world by the Blood Moon Minstrel Guild. FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal. Enter Blood Moon Guild Song Vault..... http://jamen.do/a/503956 The Mysterious Fog Of Hex County: Paranormal adventures and songs of Supernatural Gears Guitarist Lenny Wiles Lionstar
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Friday, November 22, 2019
Telsa sabotage with windows being broken
Ford and the oil cartel sabotaged the windows. He would have never let this happen live. Ford is unveiling it's new electro truck. The oil cartel hates it all. No money in Free energy source. These electro cars are the fastest most powerful riding machines the world has ever known. And it's all free. Read the Telsa book about electricity, free energy system and when he was poisoned after he was asked can you put a meter on your system and he said no it was free. Gas engines were obsolete the day it was made. And now we fight these endless wars over oil which funds ISIS while this getting the population to die for the elites while American soldiers get nothing in return except a support the troops sign on the back of somebodies cars. No health care for battle injuries. No mental health for killing people so they commit suicide at around 20 soldiers a day.
GOP useful idots will not impeach
Thursday, November 21, 2019
G5 and the approaching Singularity - Lenny Lionstar
Greed and the power grab for control is spinning completely out of control as the evil virus deepens. Need to put an end to it soon as we are approaching the Singularity and G5 technology is moving fast. G5 and A.I. will be the gateway to Utopia or the doorway to Hell. Depends on who controls it. Money will soon be obsolete. Power and control will be the new currency. G5 is the gateway to mass mind control. A zombie tranced nation.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Steve Bannon and his Sulfuric Acid Throwers. Will the Trump impeachment lead to murder?
After hearing the Ambassador talk about being threatened by Trump and the Ukrainian activist who alerted the Ambassador whom they threw a liter of sulfuric acid on where she died. I think this whole thing is going to end up in murder investigations. Stevie Bannon's Acid Tub is not hearsay. It's a true fact. How many Russian journalist's ended up in that cremation tub in Florida. Clearly all roads lead to Russia and a huge International crime organization. New World Order? This needs to end now before there is no turning back. Russia Putin is on the move and gaining more control daily using our useful idiot President along with the entire GOP. Sickening.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
911 and the electric car conspiracy
Controlled demolition. Seeing is believing if you take the blindfold off your mind instead of believing what your told. The question is by whom. They killed the electric car and took all the charging stations down in California right when Bush got elected. California was supposed to go all electric by 2004 I think. Of course big oil stepped in. No money for them in that. Coin glutton greed and the psychopathic money loving demonic human scumbags of the universe will be the downfall of the human race. The red button is waiting for someone to push and it will be pushed probably by Trump for he is truly a Sociopath who hates everything and everyone except himself he hates even those who praise him and worship him and he will deceive and betray them and pull them right into hell with him. If he goes down with impeachment he will not leave office for he is evil and if he is forced to leave with the threat of imprisonment he will take down everyone with him. He WILL push the button and as President he doesn't have to ask permission. It only takes 12 minutes to bring life on Earth to an end.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Has Christian Values been turned upside down by Trump and the Evangelicals?
I heard from the Evangelicals that The Democrats are impeaching Trump to impleach Christian values. I think the Christian right has already impeached Christian values. Throwing children in cages, taking away food from the hungry and starving people living in the streets mostly mentally sick veterans ravaged mentally for killing people in a fake war the GOP made, soldiers killing themselves not getting help, taking money from the poor and middle class and giving it to the rich, their sick coin glutton disease an infection of greed for their bloated love of money, hating immigrants and our neighbors, supporting Nazi's, the KKK, allowing gun violence and mass shootings to continue for profit from their largest support group the violent and demonic NRA. Profit Prisons. More prisoners more money. Doesn't matter whether their innocent or not just get those black people in there and we can make more money. The list goes on and on? Seriously. Your telling me those are Christian values. I think these people need to put Christ back in Christianity. If their Christians I would sure hate to meet the devil. I think they opened the door to the Devil invited him in with all their hate and greed and Trump walked right in made himself at home and he ain't leaving anytime soon. The 40% who like being called deplorable human beings will follow Trump and walk with him right into the eternal Lake of Fire unconditionally. They can't help it. They can't see. They all have a blindfold around their mind put there by Fox News and this new demonic regime and they can't see out only what comes in the stuff their allowed to see. The things their allowed to believe. Their belief system broken with lies to confirm their hatreds.
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