Sunday, March 29, 2020

Yes Trump truly fired Obama's entire expert Pandemic Team

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Yes Trump fired Obama's entire expert Pandemic Team which was praised for it's effectiveness to halt pandemics before the spread. The question that truly needs to be answered is Why?...... Why did he do it? The Media has asked him but he keeps bad mouthing press reporters and just telling those who question him saying your a bad reporter. Sick. Then saying it was a Democrat hoax. What is this Dictator up too? It's just going to get weirder and weirder I suspect. Somebody needs to infiltrate that "666" 5th Avenue Trump building. There is some weird stuff going on in there some people are saying. Microchip office and possible Artificial Intelligence operations. Was a virus developed by artificial intelligence designed to target the elderly today another designed to target ethics tomorrow. Many people in mostly the GOP truly want to get rid of certain segments of society. While the rich and powerful have a designer antidote for themselves. Artificial Intelligence can do millions of calculations right now that would take humans a thousand years to do in a matter of days. A group of researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) say their machine-learning algorithm was able to identify a powerful new antibiotic compound, capable of killing some of the world's most problematic disease-causing bacteria. I think we're headed for what I call the Perfect Paranormal Storm when all these terrible lethal things come together with economic destruction, Global warming's monster storms and the permafrost melt. God knows what's going to come out of there. Viruses been frozen in there for millions of years now ready to be let loose into the air from the melt. A.I. will completely surpass the human brain by 2028 in what is referred to as the Singularity. The Computers themselves have told us that they will surpass us. Hopefully we can use this fast moving technology for good not evil although it may have already been used as an evil force with Virus. Hopefully not. But, power corrupts and the love of money is the main root of evil. AI will be the most powerful force the human race has ever seen. It's here now. Welcome to the New World Order. I think now might be a good time to say a prayer or two.
I hate this thought. But, possibly the military needs to go in there right now with their good honorable Generals along with all the past presidents and soldiers, pick Trump up and throw him out on his arse along with all those infiltrated American Fascists and Russians he let in there. And If worse comes to worse let Pence take control for awhile he is weak but at this moment better than Trump or Nancy Pelosi until we get some intelligence back in there. Maybe asked all the former Presidents to take charge as a team for the time being or this is not going to end in a good way I fear. I hate the thought of a military coupe that could turn evil too. Scary times were in. It's hard to know what is fact or fake, truth or falsehoods real or unreal. Chaos!
666 5th avenue new york city the land under it probably extending to Hell is owned by Kushner (Trump) Brookfield is only leasing it. Weird stuff going on in there. They do plan to change the number to 660 to hide that beast number for the time being but for the people in the know won't matter. Once you kill your soul you can't unkill it. Too late just like if you kill someone you can't unkill them. Same with your soul. Once dead forever dead. Best not to follow the Beast and believe what you want to believe for self interest deceiving yourself. Follow Jesus not false prophets is the best way to go because that extends into forever and forever is a hell of a long time. Especially if you find yourself spending it with Lucifer cause the rent you pay in Hell is quite high. Lucifer is a psychopath with no empathy or mercy and loves those led astray and lost.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Euthanize everyone over 60? Cornavirus artificial intelligent designer virus?

They want to euthanize everyone over 60 so they don't have to pay out social security. This conspiracy has been talked about for years and now its here right in our face. If that's so its most likely a designer virus developed by artificial intelligence. A.I. The God Opposition Party GOP are saying seniors are unproductive worthless have no value and Trump is now convincing people of that especially the 40%. Always thought they would be the first to go, deceived. "The Nazis never went away. Their here right now in the USA." Senior citizen genocide policy? ANTICHRIST on the move? The GOP opened the door and let evil in with all their hate and greed and he ain't leaving anytime soon.
The Mooch, Trumps one time mouth piece has said eventually Trump will turn on everyone. Is he referring to that red button, WW3? Like Steve Miller Trumps other mouth piece and originator of the demonic mass child in cage policy has said. "Soon the world will know......" Keep watch on that "666" 5th avenue Trump building in NYC. Look it up on goggle. Strange things inside that building.... Microchip office is in there. I think its just going to get weirder and weirder. Once you receive the number of the beast you can't give it back un-receive. Like if you kill someone or yourself you can't un-kill. Once you condemn your soul you can't un-condemn it. Damage done. Too late. Everyone is vulnerable. Watch for deceptions and fake promises. These are red antichrist flags. 

Monday, March 9, 2020

Antichrist right on time declaring himself the chosen one

Here he comes right on time from declaring himself the Chosen one, declaring he needs not to ask for forgiveness cause...

Posted by Len Wiles on Monday, March 9, 2020

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Elections are being rigged all over the place - Psycho Politico

Elections are being rigged all over the place. It depends who has the best computer hackers and how much they charge. A 9 year old easily hacked into the voting machine and flipped votes just to prove how easy it is. Russians are the best at this. Best hackers in the world. Their spy subs have been seen off the coast recently. Their getting ready with Moscow Mitches approval of course. Politics these days is all about money money money and growing your power. Not about making a better society. All the democrats are millionaires. I never heard of a middle class or poor person being a millionaire or running for President.