Quit putting Elon Musk down just because he's a billionaire. He definitely has flaws. We all do and he should be taxed. I understand what he means when he says I will sell 20 billion dollars worth of stock and give it to the government. But I want to see the receipts of exactly where the money is going.
He has done more to try and stop global warming than anybody with his electric car innovations and beyond than anybody. What have the Democrats done lately? Nothing. I'm a liberal and they disappoint. So I understand Elon asking where is the money going. Hear Rocket Song
They won't comply. Would it just get back pocketed in these politicians pocket off shore bank accounts not going to improve society? Elon is a free energy person just like Telsa was. He's gets threatened by the oil cartels all the time.
Anyway we need to get to space. There is enough energy in one astroid near Jupiter to provide Earth for free energy for a million years. We need to colonize on other planets like Mars. There are way too many psychopaths here on Earth ready to blow this place to smithereens. So quit harassing Elon. He is hyper intelligent because he has Asperger's syndrome which is a human flaw but also a superior focus enhancer. We need to move into the stars or the human race will soon perish. Leave Elon alone. And yes Elon needs to get taxed.