Sunday, February 27, 2022

Republicans praise Putin at Nazi Rally with Marjorie Taylor Greene

 Republicans praise Trump and Dictator Putin with chants at Nazi CPac rally with Marjorie Taylor Greene as the main speaker. These animals are breaking through the fence now. They can't be held back it seems. When Trump and these Nazis take over America it will be brutal. Beyond your standard evil. It will be a super brutal Antichrist style evil. When you refuse the new Nazi number like those Jewish numbers you will be tortured and killed brutally. Trump already has a kill list he made up waiting for when the Deplorable reselect their false prophet in 2024. Hitler is back. All those 400,000 American soldiers who died fighting the Nazis Dictatorship are rolling over in their graves. Hard to believe this is happening here in American. 

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Putin turning the Doomsday Clock to one second before midnight

 Getting close to the Doomsday clock meltdown. Around one second to go now. Just one psychopath now trying to get it going to destroy the human race. 

His name is Putin with help from his American allied Trust Fund Nazi Kid Trump (the Antichrist?) Fox News the American Fascist demonic propaganda unit along with help from the new American Trump Antichrist Deplorable red devil hat followers that worship the Antichrist, and that trust fund super rich Nazi kid Tucker Carlson spewing lies and hate across the land supporting Commie New Nazi Hybrid Vladimir Putin the destroyer.

100 thermo ball bearing nuke detonations that's all it will take to bring the human race to it's final demise. Cold and Dark with a blocked sun. Putin says he'll push that red devil nuke button if we make the wrong move against him. Way to go Dictators Deplorables and you rich Trust Fund Kids running the world supporting the Devil. I think it really might be time to pray this time. That doomsday clock is getting mighty close to striking 12  midnight turning the world pitch black dark.