Strange Conspiracy News from in and out of this world by the Blood Moon Minstrel Guild. FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal. Enter Blood Moon Guild Song Vault..... http://jamen.do/a/503956 The Mysterious Fog Of Hex County: Paranormal adventures and songs of Supernatural Gears Guitarist Lenny Wiles Lionstar
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Monday, June 24, 2019
Mexican Children missing from concentration camps taken away for pedophile ring torture on the dark web
Kids being lost most likely ending up in international pedophile rings and being tortured on the dark web.
Can't speak for God. I'm not qualified nor am I an Angel. But, America may pay the price for this evil going on with the wrath of God. Look at the weather right now through upper midwest and south. 7 straight days of hundreds of monster tornadoes and thuderstorms and floods with people reporting seeing extremely weird strange cloud formations like they've never seen before and the constant flooding. And the monsters fires and Hurricane season forecast may end up completely destroying the south. Could be the results of Global Warming or maybe a Karma wrath from the spiritual world for this child abuse being supported is coming down upon us. We're supposed to be the good guys. Concentration camps in America. Refusing food and soap to babies and children. Kids being lost most likely ending up in international pedophile rings and being tortured on the dark web. What the Hell is going on here. America has turned their back on God. Or, their just completely brained damage under some kind of Antichrist mind control spell. Pence is a freaking classic sheep Trump clown himself hiding in wolves clothing. We all know where that phrase came from. The division is of what is good and evil is purposefully getting blurred on purpose which just may push the world right into Armageddon. All the signs are out in open now. Soon we will all have to make a choice. Who or what will you follow. The lines are getting blurred but you can still the forest through the trees if you look. The truth will either burn you or set you free. PSYCHO POLITICO "666" Daily Beast Report.Republican Morning Joe SHREDS Mike Pence's PHONY "Christianity" that defends treating refugee CHILDREN like animalsBRAVO!!! Morning Joe is a Republican who GETS IT! 🔥 Follow Occupy Democrats for more.
Posted by Occupy Democrats on Monday, June 24, 2019
Enter the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault. FREE song downloads. FREE use under creative commons license. Attribution Required for video multimedia use. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar, supernaturalgears.org
Friday, June 21, 2019
Vagina Grabbing Without Permission Cause Your Rich?
Vagina grabbing without permission cause your rich
Very strange era in America. Hiring the best means hiring the best criminals? Vagina grabbing without permission cause your rich, what will middle class and poor men do. Can they do that? Cleaning the swamp with more lobbyist and Trump family members grabbing tons of more money than ever before with your tax dollars and funding the rich with your tax money for their socialism but not yours. Close to 200 million now in only 2 years our King playing golf and making illegal foreign deals while riding around in the golf cart. Deplorables being well, deplorable and being loved for it in their minds cause they think they belong to the club which of course they don't. Trump is laughing at them cause he knows their fucking stupid. That's how he got gained his Fascist power. All I can say is.What The Hell Is Going On!!!!! He's living off Obama's economy which took 8 years after the 2007 GOP economic debacle. He will ruin it. The GOP always does. And of course the Deplorables will put another deplorable back in office because they are well, stupid deplorables. Even Trump a few years back admitted said the GOP always wrecks the economy for profit. The rich will short the market. And get richer. And no one will do one thing about it. Until one day someone may end up eating that French cake with a head rolling off the Gillontine down main street. No more Vagina grabbing cause your rich.Humans are pointing 14,465 Nukes at each other! A Suicide Mission is now unfolding!!
Humans you need to ban your Nukes soon!
Need to ban soon cause those red button human psychopaths from here to eternity you've selected to lead you are just dying to put their finger on the trigger. Set off a hundred of those Nukes that's it. We're done. Five nuclear-weapon states under the NPT nuclear weapons as of 2018 stood at 14,465, of which 3,750 were deployed with operational forces.2.1 United States--- 6,450 warheads
2.2 Russian Federation (formerly part of the Soviet Union)---6,490 warheads
2.3 United Kingdom
2.4 France
2.5 China
3 Other states declaring possession of nuclear weapons
3.1 India
3.2 Pakistan
3.3 North Korea
4 Other states believed to possess nuclear weapons
4.1 Israel
5 Nuclear weapons sharing
6 States formerly possessing nuclear weapons
6.1 South Africa
6.2 Former Soviet Republics
Enter the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault. FREE song downloads. FREE use personal or commercial under creative commons license. Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar, supernaturalgears.org
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Kill Kill Kill Money Money Money Male human species may never change
Human Males KILL KILL KILL money money money
I'm beginning to think maybe this will always be and is just the nature of most of the human species on Earth. Mostly human males of the species. Not the females. To Kill Kill and torture each other for some imaginary wealth goal or imaginary boundary line, things that don't exist in the real world realm of the universe and the infinite cosmos including the spiritual world which we are all headed for in a very short time after our little experimental social stint with each other here on this tiny planet.Enter the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault. FREE song downloads. ( http://jamen.do/a/503956 ) FREE use under creative commons license. Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar, supernaturalgears.org
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Shape Shifting Reptilians in Congress? Imposters on Fox News and MSNBC
I've been saying for awhile now that many in Congress are Imposters. I thought maybe they were shape shifting 9th sector Reptilian Vampire Dracs or using mind control microchips. They just change to fast like Lindsey Graham when they meet the Orange Carrot Puppet. I saw him on the Fox in the Chicken house News Network and I swear that it wasn't him. He actually looked scared like maybe somebody will know it wasn't him. So this may be the real answer to the strange goings on in Luciferington D.C. currently. Maybe Lindsey and the others who seemed to change when they get in the real people end up in Stevie's Acid Tub while the imposters take their place. Like in the movie the Invasion of the body snatchers. Now there is a strange story the Celestial Green Resistance CGR a supernatural gear unit of the Blood Moon Guild is currently looking into it. STEVE BANNONS ACID TUB. That is one creepy story.
ancient Blood Moon Song Vault. FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal under creative license. ( http://jamen.do/a/503956 ) Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles LIonstar, supernaturalgears.org
Great lakes risen over 300 feet
This is what happens when we let a bunch of retards or just brain damaged people mostly baby boomers and their human offspirng, baby boomers who maybe took too much LSD and caused chromosome damage or damage from air pollution among their Gen X offspring who now make the decisions and set the agenda on how to run things along with a bunch of old selfish people in their 70's and 80's who claim to know more about science and weather than the scientists and weather men. Result of the extreme hard drug culture I think in 70's and onward. The worst is yet to come. The real monster storms are just waiting to make their debut and crush everything. Your seeing samples now with all those thousands of tornadoes ravaging the south and fires burning up the west. We ain't seen nothing yet though. Could have done something maybe 20 years ago. But, everyone made fun of Al Gore. So here we are. Too late now to do anything. The rich will go underground. The poor and middle class will have to try and ride the storms out coming and that melted ice water coming down to freeze things up and hit the warm air causing storms like never imagined..
ancient Blood Moon Song Vault. FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal under creative license. ( http://jamen.do/a/503956 ) Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles LIonstar, supernaturalgears.org
ancient Blood Moon Song Vault. FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal under creative license. ( http://jamen.do/a/503956 ) Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles LIonstar, supernaturalgears.org
Rigged elections psychopaths and reptilians Axis Of Evil
Jakobs Diary TRANCE OF THE MONARCH BUTTERFLYLog enter 2019axisevildracs
It's the Russian Reptilian 9th Sector Dracs we need to be watching. Their smart. Extremely intelligent. They are in our infrastructure right now like an electronic infestation of rats eating their way through. If we're not careful we may soon see this Reptilian Axis of Evil send their super A.I. tanks into the streets and we will be bowing down to the rule of the New World Order Dictators with Lutin the Poison Chef and his Axis allies at the head of the brigade along with North Korea, Iran, Russia, most of the middle east may surround us and send the bombs in maybe even with the Orange Carrot Puppets approval. Alien Dictators are not nice people. Kimjon the Potatoe just blew away his Reptilian team in Vietnam cause they failed to reach an agreement with the Orange Carrot from Luciferian D.C. He also likes to use a flame thrower to kill human protestors or anyone who doesn't bow down to his feet during executions. Sometimes he uses a missile launcher during executions for fun. He is Lutins ally and the Orange Carrot Puppet has a love affair with him. And he's got the nukes along with all those other psychopathic Aliens who hate humans.Ancient Blood Moon Song Vault. FREE song downloads. ( http://jamen.do/a/503956 ) FREE use personal or commercial. Attribution Required under Creative Commons License. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar, supernaturalgears.org
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Final Solution All Over Again?
Get ready for a Dictatorship if Trump wins again. Sometimes I think the DNC is in on all this push towards a Fascist Dictatorship. They don't seem to really do anything with all the crimes commented by Trump and his highly organized crime syndicate. I know one thing I don't know if it's Putin but somebody in Russia planning this coupe is a genius. This Russian thing is happening around the world. Look at Austria. And the Russian money going into the elections in Europe. If the European Union breaks up like Trump and Putin wants the Russians will go rolling across Europe taking over and killing anything that gets in their way all with Trump and GOP God Opposition Party approval. Then the real super evil will make it's move forward to finish the job of total human control of the masses by the psychopathic bloodline elites in power. Fascinating to watch this slow moving Coupe but gonna be dangerous when were in the final solution all over again.
Enter the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault.... FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal. Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar, supernaturalgears.org
Enter the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault.... FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal. Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar, supernaturalgears.org
Gay Pete for President!
My favorite candidate is that gay guy Pete. He seems to be extremely smart very intelligent. You know what they say. Gay people are more intelligent than straight people and more successful in business. I did read that. Ha! From what I've read and heard so far Pete understands what's going on with the new technology speeding ahead towards the human race with A.I. robots androids and so on and how the world is changing because of it and how to go about it. They'll be no jobs by 2040 and A.I. itself predicts the singularity when A.I. becomes smarter than humans will occur around 2028. He's also dodge bullets in the fake wars we're in right now and been in for 20 years which takes a lot of courage to do probably knowing it's a fake industrial complex generated war. But by going there he now has an understanding of warfare up close. People get hurt and die. So for now he's got my vote. It may be hard for the public to get through the part though where he eventually kisses his significant other in public.
Enter the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault. FREE song downloads. FREE use under creative commons license. Attribution required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar, supernaturalgears.org
Enter the ancient Blood Moon Song Vault. FREE song downloads. FREE use under creative commons license. Attribution required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar, supernaturalgears.org
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