Sunday, June 2, 2019

Gay Pete for President!

My favorite candidate is that gay guy Pete. He seems to be extremely smart very intelligent. You know what they say. Gay people are more intelligent than straight people and more successful in business. I did read that. Ha! From what I've read and heard so far Pete understands what's going on with the new technology speeding ahead towards the human race with A.I. robots androids and so on and how the world is changing because of it and how to go about it. They'll be no jobs by 2040 and A.I. itself predicts the singularity when A.I. becomes smarter than humans will occur around 2028. He's also dodge bullets in the fake wars we're in right now and been in for 20 years which takes a lot of courage to do probably knowing it's a fake industrial complex generated war. But by going there he now has an understanding of warfare up close. People get hurt and die. So for now he's got my vote. It may be hard for the public to get through the part though where he eventually kisses his significant other in public.

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