With all this death. Police killings. Soldiers being targeted for blood money killings. Coronavirus deaths now at 140,000. America has created a culture of Death similar to the Jim Jones Cult but much more serious.
America those 40% people are going nuts and getting more mean and demonic by the day and getting more crazy and gun totin by the minute. It's like a Deplorable Zombie invasion with guns and they wear that Deplorable term with a badge while not wearing a mask because their God Trump told them not too even though it may cause them death.
America those 40% people are going nuts and getting more mean and demonic by the day and getting more crazy and gun totin by the minute. It's like a Deplorable Zombie invasion with guns and they wear that Deplorable term with a badge while not wearing a mask because their God Trump told them not too even though it may cause them death.
That virus is most likely an A.I. designer virus designed to kill his own followers as well as the elderly and blacks. And, if the young people keep on protesting with this Black Lives Matter thing that virus will be re-designed to get them too. We've already seen some of this happening with the young in young infection hotspots probably a warning from Trump. Saying keep your mouth shut and step in line or face infection and death too young arseholes.
We're living in a culture of Death and violence which is also a Fascist Nazi thing with all these gun nut demonic killing worshipers who worship our Antichrist president Trump. Of course this was all forecast thousands of years ago. And here were are. Right in the middle of it. He's here. At least one of them is here with more to come. The GOP opened the door to hell with all their hate and greed and I doubt whether anyone can close that door.
Is the Antichrist in charge of your life right now. You bet! He's here. He's got many of us. And he's getting more every day to follow him into that Lake Of Fire of Hell. Get ready you ain't seen nothing yet. The Fire is getting hotter by the day. The Antichrist Trump reality show is about to get it's biggest ratings ever. And, he loves those popularity poll numbers from his 40% followers and they love him mostly men like a puppy dog with two penises.
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