Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Things are getting very Apocalyptic under these Antichrist times

Trumps plan to get rid of Social Security which he has now mentioned twice if he gets reelected. He plans to end the payroll tax which funds social security. With the trust fund exhausted, remaining revenues would only be able to pay for 50 percent of promised benefits, declining over time. For an average earner who retired at the age of 66, a 50 percent benefit cut in 2025 would be a loss of $859 per month, or $10,313 over a year, in today’s dollars. Be careful who you vote for Retirees you may get your wish and you might not like what you get in return. Nothing. You may find yourself living in a tent in the woods scrounging through garbage bins for food. Of course it won't affect the rich they'll be getting richer. AGAIN.  
Getting scary in America right now. Things are getting very Apocalyptic under these Antichrist times the 40% put us in. Bound to happen sooner or later I guess. Pandemic pentalence virus. Destruction by Global warming fire. Earth seems to be going up in flames as predicted. Huge monster storms unheard of 5 in a row right now headed our way. Wormwood destruction? Soon Famine starvation when the temperatures begin to really soar destroying all crops? No telling what's going to emerge from out of the melting permafrost up North. God knows what's going to emerge from there when those ice fields melt. And their melting real fast right now. I think those horsemen are on their way if not already here. 
I think we need a divine intervention very soon or at least some people need to get their head out of their tribal ass and take that blindfold off their mind and wake up. There still might be a chance to pull out of this Apocalypse or a least maybe slow it down for awhile to get our bearings back so the majority of people on Planet Earth can get some common sense back and do something constructive instead of letting the self serving few set their destructive agenda for the rest of us. The silent many.


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