The Monkee Wrench Conspiracy Theory!
Just In! Were there fake millions of votes in the 71 million votes for Trump which were punched into the electronic machines along with "Electro Vote Flippers" by Russian hackers with the help of Moscow Mitch in the 2020 election? Fake electronic votes and vote flips which inflated Trumps numbers? Moscow Mitch opposed securing the machines and wouldn't pass safety measures after Russian meddling in 2016. Did highly Paid Hackers infiltrated the machines? Is that why Trump blew through his campaign funds so fast which still no one knows for sure where that all that money went. 1.6 Billion dollars seemingly vanished causing a cash crunch in Trumps campaign.
Then, when Covid hit and people voted by mail. That event threw a monkee wrench into the GOP's plan using the rigged machines and flipping along with numerous machines being taken out in key Democratic areas mostly the African American Community. When Covid hit and people were advised to vote by mail it threw a big Monkee Wrench into their plans. Trump frantically tried desperately to stop mail-in votes right down to putting a dupe in charge of the postal service to slow down mailing. And having mail sorting machines removed from the postal service. That plan with that postal service meddling still fell through though. Still even though people sent in mail in votes Trumps numbers were still inflated rigged. If everyone would have voted electronically Trump would have won in a landslide as the machines were rigged. In a strange sad way Covid saved America from a Totalitarian Dictatorship which caused people to vote by mail preserving our Democracy.
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