Sunday, March 31, 2019

Trump is above the law cause he's President

Interesting. The law is complex. I never knew a president could not get in legal trouble while in the White House until this Trump issue came about. He can also literally shoot someone like he said and get away with it. Or, pardon any criminals no matter how heinous the crime might be and let them go free. I suspect the Mob learned this long ago. Now they control the government. This includes corporate Lobbyists controlling the laws. Making illegal things legal. That's why most mobsters and the elites send all their children to college to become lawyers and lobbyists. They make the laws for themselves to become above the law.

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Attribution Required... Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar,

Will Flower Child Ideals Win or Will the Nukes Win?

If sooner or later the flower child ideals do not come about like they should. Flower Power Peace and Love whatever you want to call it. There are around 40,0000 to 50,000 Nukes for the demonic Red Devil Hawks here and Psychopathic Dictators around the world waiting for someone to push the red devil hat button. When it happens and most likely will cause I don't see Flower Power winning. When the nukes are detonated that will truly bring about peace. Cause there won't be any humans here anymore to kill and torture each other. Only takes 100 of those things going off and that's it for human life. Roaches? They'll still be here.

Enter the Blood Moon Song Vault... FREE song downloads. FREE use...
Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar,

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Besty DeVos Cutting funding to Special Olympics

Her brother Erick Prince ( Prince Of Darkness ) is the general of the Black Water Army located in Georgia. 50,000 strong waiting in the dark until Trump gives his order to attack and kill American Democrats Liberals Socialists everyone except those with blonde hair and blue eyes (sarcasm) and to usher in the GOP ( God Opposition Party ) into a full Dictatorship and Police state. Their soldiers are paid good money to kill, torture, and destroy. They love this stuff. They also have no Allegiance to any country only to the Black Water Army. Scary stuff. The Antichrist is rising. Psycho Politico "666" 5th Avenue Mark Of The Beast Daily News Report.....

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Trump and Crime family to get off

Trump and his crime family to get off. The GOP ( God Opposition Party ) and the Evangelicals will set the devil free. I'll be surprised if that report is ever seen. The mobsters and the real NWO is in full control of all this. Trump is now pushing the farmers out of business into bankruptcy and they still support him. So strange. Trump wants control of the food. The food supply. Economic crisis is coming next I think when we will truly be forced to bow down to the cult emperor in a full on Nazi assault from his Red Hat Devils which includes the Hells Angels and the NRA along with the Kremlin.

Blood Moon Song Vault..... ( ) FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal. Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar, 

Trump to get off. GOP ( God Opposition Party ) sets the devil free

There hiding the truth. Like I said before. The GOP ( God Opposition Party ) let the devil into the White House and he ain't leaving anytime soon. Microchip Corporate Office is located at "666" 5th Avenue, NYC the Trump building. Coincidence? The Beast soon to be released. Hold on..... It's going get weirder and weirder and weirder and Trump may soon release his demonic bike gang the Hells Angels, the NRA, Nazi Militia and Kremlin thugs becoming lethal to humans. I hate guns. Don't believe in violence to solve problems. Only works short term never works long term. Sooner or later though you have to fight evil cause it won't stop coming after you until it gets you until there's no one else to get. 91 million killed fighting this Luciferian Nazi hate virus infection spread in the 30's and 40's. People watched in a trance under mind control and hyped up and high on meth. Now their high on the cult of celebrity. First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Blood Moon Song Vault..... FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal. Attribution Required. Please Lenny Wiles Lionstar,

Monday, March 25, 2019

Blood Moon Death March Of Jesus - Spiritual Easter Rock Song - Lionstar

Song download.....

Easter song. Blood Moon Death March Of Jesus. 
Picked up this C9 Guitar organ device. Makes your guitar sound just like an organ. Couldn't believe it. Really blew my mind. Wrote, recorded this instrumental song today for the Supernatural Gears Comix series playing guitar sounding like an organ.
I was summoned by the Intelligent Star to watch and observe the crucifiction of jesus but to not interfere. I was cloaked invisible to the roman soldiers except one. The Luciferian Norris. He was there to intimidate me and to test me. I had never met the supernatural gear jesus but knew he was about to make the ultimate sacrifice to expose demonic elements that move in secrecy between the raindrops in celeistial societies. The code of Blood Moon guild. A sacrifice that would move with truth down though generations for thousands of years. Every year around Easter I think of Jesus and what he went through.
Blood Moon Song Vault...... ( )
Lionstar Graphic Novel Space Rock COMIX
FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal. Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar,

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Mark Of The Beast "666" 5th Avenue Trump Building

Mark Of The Beast "666" 5th Avenue NYC Trump building address? Coincidence? Microchip maker corporate office is in that building. Seems everyone connected with Trump is under some kind of Trance. Look at Lindsey Graham. He once warned us about Trump but now has done a complete turn around and now seems to worship Trump. He acts like he's in a trance when seeing him on TV or like it's really not him it's a look alike imposter speaking. Like something out of the invasion of the Body Snatchers. Even Benjamin Netanyahu Trumps main mid east Ally is saying the Nazi's weren't really trying to kill Jews. Seriously? Very very weird? imposter? This is so strange something right out of revelations. All of congress is very quiet too they say nothing except to worship Trump like a cult figure like a God. What's going on here is not normal. All the signs are there for a possible Antichrist that has come forth and is taking control. I fear many Evangelicals may be following an Antichrist with all their love for Trump who may lead them right into the Lake of Fire with him. With all the greed, hatred of the poor, In love with Dictators, Mobsters, Criminal Biker Gangs, worship of guns, hurting the sick taking health care away from poor people, the love of money, persecution of Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks, Indians, gays you name it and most importantly Gods's innocent children putting them in cages, where many now are ending up in pedophile rings or worse being tortured and killed on the Dark Web for money and entertainment. From all that hatred and growing evil the GOP opened the door to Lucifer and he walked right in to the White House sat down made himself at home and he ain't leaving anytime soon. Like Trump's adviser Steve Miller say's, "Soon the world will know." Know what Steve? We may soon find out what he means by that statement. It's just going to get stranger and the killing will begin soon, then most likely the red buttons will be pushed in the final act taking Trump believers who forgot that the real belief is in Jesus not Trump who may take them to a very bad place.

Which is more important Ken Starr or Mueller Probe?

Starr probe which started with probe into White Water to then finally catching Clinton getting a consensual Bjob from a 24 year old adult came to $79.3. Witch Hunt? Mueller probe to look into a Russian invasion from the Kremlin and Russian Voter Rigging and non consensual p grabbing $31 million. Witch Hunt? Wonder what Witch Hunt is the most important. Russian takeover of the U.S., non consensual P grabbing cause your rich, or a consensual adult Bjob. Most Americans think the blow J was and is more important. National security was at stake with that Bjob. Trump also spent $88 million on Golf so far. Add another 6 years of this Trump will spend 528 million over half a billion for golf during his presidency. And if if he becomes a Dictator which will most likely happen then that price will skyrocket. Cause he'll be there as long as he is alive. And then his children will take over as the new Kings and Queens of the New World Order as planned by the Chinese and Russia. "President Obama, when he was in office, he spent $33,000 a day for his expenses. . . . Our president now, at this time, his average is $3 million a day." That's a lot of your tax money there going for Trumps golfing activity. Whose milking the taxpayer? Not hard to figure this out is it?

Friday, March 8, 2019

Psycho Political 666 5th Avenue Mark Of The Beast Report - The Resistance

Rallies are one thing. Need to bring some high tech people in to stop the electronic rigging and get rid of the electoral college. The electoral college was put in to stop black people from voting and to not have their votes count. Same thing now for Liberals and ethnics. It will take a lot more than grass roots rallies to win this election. It will take brains from those who understand the system is rigged. Look at the mafia guy Manaford. He only got 4 years with a suggested 20 years imprisonment. How did he get away with that? It's an easy answer. The Mob International Crime NWO syndicate is in total control of the U.S. Government. It will take some real high tech work people with some real guts and skills and moral values to get the country back to the people the way is was mean't to be. To go up against the 40% M15 dumber down deplorable people ( they like being deplorable so don't get mad at me ) and GOP corporate mob party who I think really truly support this Anti-Christ behavior. We're back again to the way it was in Europe when the Kings and Queens ruled in Europe. Their back. Or maybe they never left. Need to stop them now once and for all so the American society can show our true potential which is unlimited which the GOP keeps blocking. Blood will most likely be shed. Maybe even a Civil War between the progressive Futurists and the 17 century style Deplorables. Some have already died like the girl during that Nazi rally. But the battle between good and evil is ongoing. But, for those who fight evil and mind control manipulation against infinite greed will stand before God one day cause life is short and when the gates of Heaven open up and the true bleeding hearts walk through. I fear and pray for the others for what they have done thinking they were good but were truly only concerned as a Cino, ( christian in name only ) only concerned with themselves hating and killing and raping the minds of the innocents as a means to their end. Wow. that was deep! LOL. Of course I can't speak for God like Jim Baker can. LOL!!! Just my daily thoughts. Psycho Politico "666" 5th avenue Daily Beast Report...