Mark Of The Beast "666" 5th Avenue NYC Trump building address? Coincidence? Microchip maker corporate office is in that building. Seems everyone connected with Trump is under some kind of Trance. Look at Lindsey Graham. He once warned us about Trump but now has done a complete turn around and now seems to worship Trump. He acts like he's in a trance when seeing him on TV or like it's really not him it's a look alike imposter speaking. Like something out of the invasion of the Body Snatchers. Even Benjamin Netanyahu Trumps main mid east Ally is saying the Nazi's weren't really trying to kill Jews. Seriously? Very very weird? imposter? This is so strange something right out of revelations. All of congress is very quiet too they say nothing except to worship Trump like a cult figure like a God. What's going on here is not normal. All the signs are there for a possible Antichrist that has come forth and is taking control. I fear many Evangelicals may be following an Antichrist with all their love for Trump who may lead them right into the Lake of Fire with him. With all the greed, hatred of the poor, In love with Dictators, Mobsters, Criminal Biker Gangs, worship of guns, hurting the sick taking health care away from poor people, the love of money, persecution of Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks, Indians, gays you name it and most importantly Gods's innocent children putting them in cages, where many now are ending up in pedophile rings or worse being tortured and killed on the Dark Web for money and entertainment. From all that hatred and growing evil the GOP opened the door to Lucifer and he walked right in to the White House sat down made himself at home and he ain't leaving anytime soon. Like Trump's adviser Steve Miller say's, "Soon the world will know." Know what Steve? We may soon find out what he means by that statement. It's just going to get stranger and the killing will begin soon, then most likely the red buttons will be pushed in the final act taking Trump believers who forgot that the real belief is in Jesus not Trump who may take them to a very bad place.
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