Thursday, April 18, 2019

GOOD FRIDAY Crucifixion Death March Of The Supernatural Gear Jesus - Len...

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( ) Attribution Required. Please reference Lenny Wiles Lionstar,
Jakobs Diary, “Trance Of The Monarch Butterfly,” by Lenny Wiles Lionstar
Song is “CRUCIFIXION DEATH MARCH OF THE SUPERNATURAL GEAR, JESUS” by Lionstar. Movie clips by Ferox Aeternum,
Lionstar Operatic Graphic Novel COMIX…. Conspiracy Phantasm Space Opera Series.

It’s Good Friday the day the Supernatural Spiritual Gear Jesus was tortured and killed by those who hated this bleeding heart celestial spiritual being sent to planet earth try and help the humans from eventual Nuclear Suicidal Genocide of the humans and to expose and try and stop the spread of the Luciferian Virus. To put the Virus in the Lake of fire Quarantine which was ravaging the planet 2000 years ago and heal the human population. The Virus always seems to escape Quarantine somehow with the help of the Demonic Fire Angel Lucifer. Lucifer and the virus spread will promote genocide in a battle known as Armegeddon.
( The Apocalyptic is gonna roll…. Listen....
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Jesus was someone who tried to bring peace and love to the human race and warned of the virus and Alien Evil Angel Lucifer. When Jesus arrived on Planet Earth he gave food to the starving humans who were poor and healed the sick. Still the human species mostly the violent human males of the species hated all this Bleeding Heart stuff and so flogged Jesus to a bloody pulp, made him carry this huge cross, a cross of death in a blood moon death march while the mind controlled tranced humans under a permafrost mind melt along the death march trail continued to shout names at him and strike Jesus with whips equipped with sharp shred attachments. Along the way he walked with a spiked crown the humans stuck on his head blood running down his face. When he made it to the death march hill they lay him on a cross and drove nails into his feet and hands with a hammer and stood him up erect creating the most agonizing extreme pain of horror imaginable. Humans under a Luciferian Virus infection.
( Hear song we’re all going to Heaven…. ( )
For hours in agonizing suffering eventually a Male Human Roman soldier went up and stuck a spear up and into the gut of Jesus with rivers of water and blood gushing out. A human male in the crowd was heard yelling, “Send that Bleeding Heart back to where he came!” Of course that did happen when his body was killed and his soul left the corpse. He went back to where he came. But soon reemerged later on Easter then disappeared until recently. He was seen and is now at the old Guison Church in Brogue Pa. He’s here on his final mission for the humans to try and help them. There is a Paranormal Storm heading in the direction of Earth. The Blood Moons call it the perfect paranormal storm. The Perfect Paranormal Storm hurls through space towards Earth and hits. The human suicide genocide will start to occur when the supernatural storm waves roll over Earth in what is known as Armageddon. The New World Order and the Antichrist will emerge using the microwave unit in Alaska. An electronic Siren Singer for a mind control invasion.
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The prophesied location of a gathering of armies for one last human war among themselves a battle ending time and the alien human race and existence as we know it. When the Trumpet Templar horns are blown the lead horn by the most famous known supernatural minstrel gear trumpet player of all the universe and spiritual world. The horn of the Supernatural Minstrel Gear Gabriel. The Music Of The Spheres the planets in the solar system will perform as backing musicians as the sound gears of the planets will turn beginning to play the final Opus the final opera act of life on Earth as the humans know it.
Lionstar, Jakob and Amitiel along with the Supernatural Minstrel Gears stationed in Hex County of the Mysterious Fog unit of the ancient Blood Moon Minstrel Guild will be there to greet the return of the celestial spiritual mysterious being Jesus and to perform with Gabriel to blow the horns of warning and truth against the Haarp machine in Alaska from merging with the storm.

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