Now that we're in a full on Dictatorship as set up by Moscow Mitch and the GOP. God Opposition Party possibly under Antichrist rule. Steve Miller says soon the world will know. We may need to learn how to Survive a Dictatorship. 10 pieces of advice from Turkey. may want to learn how to survive under a Dictators rule. We entered the a Dictatorship when no witnesses no documents we're allowed in the Trump trial. Which was stunning in a democracy with support from the new Fascist Party.
When this happens your in a Dictatorship. There are no laws only the Dictators law. They do whatever they want. Like shooting people because you don't like them or what their saying. Either send a Drone swarm out to your house to sting you to a big pile of goo. Blow you into smithereens or the Dictator will send his Cult members to your house and take you out back and shoot kill you with their AR-15's all legal because there is no law for a Dictator.
He is the law and nobody can do anything about it cause he is the Judge, Jury and executioner and you have no say on whether your innocent or not. For the most gun ownership will not be allowed. Dictators don't won't the public to have guns. So the guns will be rounded up. If you strike back it'll be send in the Drones. Your gone.
Your not allowed witnesses or anything to prove your innocence when accused of something. A dictatorship is a form of government where one person or political party has the power to do whatever they want. The ruler is a dictator who dictates everything. In a dictatorship, the individuals rights are suppressed or completely taken away. Dictators will prohibit or not allow political parties that oppose their rule. The Russians under Putin's Dictatorship seems to be in control of America right now now calling the shots and setting the agenda and hacking the infrastructure and moving into the voting machines and are like an infestation on social media like Facebook with Fake news propaganda. Most likely just a matter of time before Putin and along with Trump will show up on TV making announcements. we're in a full on Dictatorship as set up by Moscow Mitch. You may want to learn how to survive under a Dictators rule.
If he did come back today most likely Organized religion would try to stick a spear up his gut again. Either way I don't think he'd be too happy about all this evil mobster, criminal stuff going with the support of the Evangelicals since the International Crime Syndicate the NWO, New World Order has taken control here and abroad it's moving around the world like a Luciferian Virus Spread. Fascism is taking hold throughout Europe. It is a demonic, brutal form of social control and engineering.
Surviving a Russian infused American Dictatorship. With no laws being enforced by the government now as shown by the impeachment trial most likely with the Russians in control of the White House with Moscow Mitch leading the way you may want learn how to survive living under a Dictatorship. Check out Turkeys survival guide. Important things you may need to know unless a miracle happens soon. I keep thinking this is a good time for Jesus to return especially when they started throwing Kids in cages, taking away the food, refusing health care to the sick while people die, making fun of cripples, mass shootings, we've haven't seen the big one yet but it's coming, poisoning the water supply and the air and on and on. Organized religion supports this.
This was seen before back in the 40's when 91 million people were killed in the worst war the world has ever seen. That is unless World War 3 begins to detonate those doomsdays Nukes. After that all wars will be fought be fought with sticks and stones. Organized religion supports this. I can't speak for Jesus of course. But I don't think Jesus is a religion, he's the son of God.
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