Friday, February 7, 2020

The Road To Heaven is Dangerous - Lenny Lionstar

Sharing this post from my musician friend Rick Terlazzo. I agree with most if not all of what he is saying especially since our current Dictator debased and seemed to turn Jesus upside down at that prayer breakfast in which it almost seemed he turned it into a devil worship session. Couldn't believe some of things he said. Still think he just may be the Antichrist. Seeing the way his cult followers there bowed down and praised him freaks me out. It's like their under some kind of mind control. In a Trance. It reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode where Billy the Kid puts people in the cornfield if they don't praise him and tell him that he is great and everything he does is good. Bizzare to watch so weird if not just plain sad to watch.
These things were talked about a long long time ago. That someone like this would emerge. I hope it's not him. The Antichrist. Hate worship against Love. But all the signs seem to be pointing in that direction. John 2:18: You have heard that the Antichrist is coming, and already many such antichrists have appeared. From this we know that the last hour has come - John 2:18. Are we in the last hour? Steve Miller, Trumps right hand guy the architect of throwing Kids and babies in Cages many now in International pedophile rings has said publicly. "Soon the world will know." Know what Steve? Fact is stranger than fiction. I think It's only going to get stranger. I believe the GOP opened to the door to the Devil with their hate policies, he walked right in to the White House, sat himself down and he ain't leaving anytime soon. At least not until he finishes his mission. It won't end nicely.
Hang onto your soul. The road to Heaven is a dangerous one. Most won't make it.

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