Thursday, February 13, 2020

Parents killing eating their children in the Ukraine

Saw an eye opening movie last night called Mr. Jones about Stalin starving millions upon millions of Ukrainians to death to where mostly all that was left were children who were resorting to eating their parents who died and their brothers and so on. They were sending their food to Moscow. Mr. Jones was a journalist who went into the Ukraine to witness what was happening there and managed to get into the countryside where people were starving, dead bodies everywhere. Some Parents killing their children and eating them. He was forced to say nothing was going and sign a paper after being caught by the Russians or they were going to execute 16 other journalist's they put in jail. He was censored even by his own paper to keep it quiet. His consciousness got to him until he gave the story to the Hearst Family who printed it. I never heard this story before. Very eye opening. This is the things that happen when psychopathic Dictators gain power and rule. Stalin killed around 38 million. Hitler responsible for around 91 million.

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