Friday, May 29, 2020

90% radio and local tv stations now owned by the new Nazi organizations

90% I think now local stations are owned by the new Nazi's. Sinclair top one for propaganda ownership. I think Marshal law is coming down soon. Trump is tweeting such. He wants the killing to start in Minnesota. Most likely spread from there if he loses the election. His private Blackwater Army operated by Betsy Devos's brother controls that private military force who changed their name to not draw attention. 75,000 strong. Some of the most vile killing human machines Lucifer ever released on the world. Anyone can join with no allegiance to any country only requirement is as long as you like to gut, shoot, torture, kill, maime and burn people alive your in. Prepare yourself this ain't over by a long shot. I've been deleting all friends on FB who've gone to the dark side and have become a tranced follower of Trump who is probably the Antichrist. These one time friends I've known for years and even relatives have become Toxic. The karma is oozing like a rabid dog foaming with sickness at the soul. Don't want to get near any of them for fear of catching their disease or having their Karma rubbed off on me. It's sad and weird how all this happened. Where did this come from? Hell...... What is Hell? Fact is strange than fiction. The Universe is one big place. Lots of lifeforms out there we know nothing about who don't like humans or their violent history against each other. A race of humans that might just get contained in a nuke genocide to keep any expansion into space under control. Don't want it spreading throughout the universe.

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