Notice our Antichrist Dictator is not wearing a mask but all the doctors under his Dictatorship are. Why? Because possibly maybe he and the rest of those dictatorship demonic elements have a cure so they don't care they won't get sick?
But, people need money to survive. If the government doesn't provide money to this end times virus of the Armageddon they should open up and let people go to work while wearing n99 masks and eye shields otherwise the end time prophecy will proceed forward.
The GOP ( God Opposition Party ) wants to get completely get rid of Food Stamps and social programs at the worse time possible. Let the states file for bankruptcy. Next the government will file and their goes social security and health care and social safety net programs. Trump is the King of Bankruptcy filings. You think it's chaos now. What until that happens. He files for bankruptcy for America. The bullets will be flying. And those so called Trumper Christian Celebrity reality show supporters will lose their Christianity fast and most have already do so and the survival killings will start. The reality show ratings will soar!
Trump and his followers who are most likely from Hell for the most part only gives money to the rich and the bloodlines of the NWO. A little to the poor to make it look good. Do some serious research and you might just know find out where all your tax money is really going. Not to you. Even though it's your tax money. There just giving your own money back to you with that 1200 bucks. But they've taken much more from you for your hard work through the years. And those government houses most are right wing leaders are stealing YOUR money and hiding it in those off shore bank accounts and overseas business ventures where workers get shit wages. Democrats pretend they've got your interest at heart but their rich too are most likely in on this scheme. Not all. Some are Liberal do Gooders. Many are not. Your money from the taxes they're getting you to pay to them their actually giving back to you. It's your freaking money. Trump is trying to make it look like he gave it to you. Opened up his bank account and handed the money to you. Many of the Trump groupies believe this. It's so weird to hear them on facebook and their praise for this guy. So weird.
Is Famine coming? Things are looking weird at the Supermarket these days. First wave of the riding horses of the Apocalypse here? Waves of the supernatural wave of the Perfect Paranormal Storm moving in? Trump is setting all this up for total disaster for the earth species cause he hates what God created. Humans. He hates everyone. Lots of people do. Hate is a drug. A powerful drug.
Think about it. Why has it been nothing but chaos since Trump got elected? Think about that. Read the Bildenberger book from someone who infiltrated the New World Order and you will completely understand what is going on right now and how these rich bloodlines think. They are bred to be psychopaths. They can't help it.
Are the democrats in on the Coup too? Their all rich too. Our democracy is in trouble. Actually been in trouble since it began back in 1776 when we allowed slaves after declaring all people are free and created equal constitution. A fake constitution. When did women become free and get the right to vote. Look it up. When did black people get the right to vote? Best not to be a Dumber Down. Wise up.
Don't know about you but I'm preparing for the Apocalypse. I wish it wasn't happening but here we are I think. Maybe not. Hope not. The next 6 months are going to be something. Unless a supernatural divine intervention takes place.
Prepare yourself with a stockpile of food. Get a shield and a mask and prepare for the fall. The worst is yet to come. The other horses are riding. Locusts are moving in around the world. Check it out. The murder hornets are now in America.
Check it out. More artificial intelligent designed viruses are coming. You see that happening now with the strange killing virus affecting children. The other released virus is getting old people and black people. Old people cause they don't want to fund social security they want that money and blacks cause their considered a burdened on society. The poor considered "Eaters" by Henry Kissinger. Eaters need to be eliminated. Their a burden on the rich bloodlines elites.
And things to come for unimaginable suffering cause that's what these demonic deplorable elements get off on.
Pray that your soul doesn't get caught up in all this programmed Antichrist stuff. Follow Jesus not Trump. Jesus believe it or not is your savior. Don't try and figure out who or what he or she is. Its not important. The Antichrist wants to kill you if your not with him. Your either with him or against him. I'm against him will not not accept his number and I'm not afraid him. I could be wrong but Trump shows all the signs of being the final Antichrist cause he rules the most powerful nation on Earth now. America. He can only kill your body but he cannot kill your soul. Watch your soul it's much more important that your physical body.
An Ar-15 assault rifle won't protect your soul. Your body will die when God determines when God says so. Your soul never dies and lives on for eternity which is a hell of a long time. Like a judge in a court on Earth you will have to stand in front of a Judge in the cosmic afterlife and make your case as to why your innocent and shouldn't be put in the eternal jail cell with the prison warden Lucifer. Did you accept greed, power and hate as your loving force? Or did you accept love, grace and service to the good of the human race your fellow humans as your force? Can you truly love an enemy in this realm and make a vow of poverty like the Templars once did before they became corrupt because of riches, greed power and money. You will have to answer. Believe what you want. It's your choice. Fact is stranger than fiction. Karma is a Bitch - Lenny Lionstar. PSYCHO POLITICO 666 5th Avenue DAILY BEAST reporters. Uncle False Flag Pig and the Donovan Dreamer Quintet Reporters
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