Wednesday, May 20, 2020

If Trump goes down he's taken everyone down with him

If he goes down. In his head I have no doubt he's planning on taking everyone along down with him. Including his base. Like the Mooch said, he'll eventually turn on everyone including his groupie follower base. And like Steve Miller said soon the world will know. The Bloodlines will survive though in their huge underground city type bunkers they've built. That red button little nuke detonation in Trumps pocket is just sitting there waiting for his finger to push the codes in with. And no one can stop him. President has total control on whether to put the codes in. They tried to pass a law to take away such power for just one guy to have. But didn't pass. He needs no ones permission. Once the Biscuit codes are punched in which is in Trumps pocket on a small card, ICBM crews will launch their missiles without question in 60 seconds and submarine crews can launch in 12 minutes. In that time, the US could launch some 900 nuclear weapons it keeps ready for immediate launch. It only takes 100 detonations to completely poison the planet and bring the human race to a close. Maybe he'll just blow up blue state cities like New York and spare red states. Crazy is that crazy was. A modernized American civil war underway.

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