Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The U.K. shuts down Fox News.

Don't like censorship. It if starts with them it could spread everywhere. I've had many videos pulled now that were political antiwar and so on from youtube and now had 2 pulled from Facebook. Fox is not a news program while claiming to be a news channel. Their the towering bearer of lies, twisted truths and fake news. The ultimate propaganda station that spreads fake sensationalized news and hate for entertainment to gain ratings and advertising dollars catering to their very strange programmed audience. Everytime I talk to a right winger these days they seem to be clones. They all think exactly the same. Have the exact same blindfold around their minds. Lack free thought. You know one you know them all. They constantly repeat Fox News mantras. Have none of their own. So their journalism license should be removed and a warning label attached at the beginning of their programs that their not a news channel. But a propaganda channel for the New World Order, rich elites and Corporations mind controlled viewers and a mouthpiece for their celebrity game show entertainment Director Dictator. Let them continue but with a warning label that says watching may cause mental illness.

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