Strange Conspiracy News from in and out of this world by the Blood Moon Minstrel Guild. FREE song downloads. FREE use commercial or personal. Enter Blood Moon Guild Song Vault..... http://jamen.do/a/503956 The Mysterious Fog Of Hex County: Paranormal adventures and songs of Supernatural Gears Guitarist Lenny Wiles Lionstar
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
PSYCHO POLITICO NEWS! Is the Virus a designed artificial intelligent nanobot with a time release later kill date for those exposed?
Sunday, December 6, 2020
We're still in Red Alert! We won't be Blue until after January. The election ain't over
This is not the GOP Republican party. Its the new American Fascist Party under a full Dictatorship in the making. Republican Party is completely dead. This is the 3rd party that finally won. Won by destroying a traditional party. We're still in Red Alert. We won't be in blue until after January. So keep your powder dry so to speak. Violence and a full on Coupe may be in the making very soon. Keep an eye on the electorial college and the Supreme court. It ain't over. Trump is a Dictator with massive cult support from his base and the entire new Fascist party in power who once called themselves Conservatives.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
International Mobsters in Control Electoral College. The real corruption begins there. Will they choose Trump again?
Looks like Biden had to currently get around 5.3 million more popular votes and their still counting than Trump just to get to 290 electoral votes.Trump was way behind Hillary in popular vote around 3 million most in history but she still lost to Trumps electoral college vote by 306 and won. Weird isn't it. More than Biden has now with his massive popular vote win and he is still behind 2016 Trumps win in the electoral college.
I think something is seriously wrong here. In fact its totally ridiculous! With the way the system is now I'm surprised a Democrat could win anything. Its actually a miracle ( was it a divine intervention? ) That Biden has apparently won. Still though the electoral college will choose the new leader not the people the American public.
Need to get rid of the electoral college and have a real true democracy. The electoral college can be paid off or manipulated by the rich elites with their mob units. If anything is rigged its the electoral college along with Russian meddling with the electro units.
They both need to go! I'm voting only by mail paper ballots from now on. It will be interesting when the electoral college makes their vote in December...Will they choose Trump again even though he lost the popular vote of the people will they again go against the will of the people.
Stay tuned. This Trump International crime organization is still in control of the American government until the end of January.
2016 election results
Popular vote Around 3 million over Trump
Electoral college vote count 232
Trump lost the popular vote down by
around 3 million
Trump Electoral college vote count 306
Currently 2020 election results
Biden Popular vote currently around
way ahead of trump with 5.3 million
Biden Current electoral college results 290
Trump 232
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
THE MONKEE WRENCH CONSPIRACY THEORY! - Trump rigged voting machines in 2020. It all backfired because of Covid!
The Monkee Wrench Conspiracy Theory!
Just In! Were there fake millions of votes in the 71 million votes for Trump which were punched into the electronic machines along with "Electro Vote Flippers" by Russian hackers with the help of Moscow Mitch in the 2020 election? Fake electronic votes and vote flips which inflated Trumps numbers? Moscow Mitch opposed securing the machines and wouldn't pass safety measures after Russian meddling in 2016. Did highly Paid Hackers infiltrated the machines? Is that why Trump blew through his campaign funds so fast which still no one knows for sure where that all that money went. 1.6 Billion dollars seemingly vanished causing a cash crunch in Trumps campaign.
Then, when Covid hit and people voted by mail. That event threw a monkee wrench into the GOP's plan using the rigged machines and flipping along with numerous machines being taken out in key Democratic areas mostly the African American Community. When Covid hit and people were advised to vote by mail it threw a big Monkee Wrench into their plans. Trump frantically tried desperately to stop mail-in votes right down to putting a dupe in charge of the postal service to slow down mailing. And having mail sorting machines removed from the postal service. That plan with that postal service meddling still fell through though. Still even though people sent in mail in votes Trumps numbers were still inflated rigged. If everyone would have voted electronically Trump would have won in a landslide as the machines were rigged. In a strange sad way Covid saved America from a Totalitarian Dictatorship which caused people to vote by mail preserving our Democracy.
Friday, November 6, 2020
The rise of A.I. and Automation
Most politicians know especially Andrew Yang, but most of the public don't know that within the next 8 years automation and artificial intelligence will take all jobs from people. Only Andrew Yang and Buttigeg have acknologed this. Elon Musk has talked about it. They need to start to address this issue very very soon. Money will become obsolete it won't be worth anything. Human society is changing fast. Mostly old white men running the country now don't care cause they got one foot in the grave like Trump even Biden. I have no idea why there still trying to control society. Young people better step up soon and address what's coming fast cause real chaos will soon occur without attention to this new change taking place. We're seeing it happening now.
Friday, October 30, 2020
Mein Kampf Hitlers book - Supernatural Gears
Read Mein Kampf Hitlers book same book that his first wife said Trump had under his bed and read every night. Then, look at Trumps Rallies and how his followers support him in mania. He makes fun of the disabled classic hitler stuff, throws kids in cages, like hitler, the list goes on and on. Read Mein Kampf. That's a good source to understanding Trump. He wants America to turn Nazi with him as its Dictator or much worse I suspect if its supernatural which I suspect. Won't get into that. Just read Mein Kampf. There's always that mean person whose is addicted to power and hate. His followers are clearly infected. They get high from it at his Nazi rallies just like those in Germany back in the 30's. History repeating itself right here in America 2020. I suspect either the supreme court with their new Judge or the electoral college will put Trump into a 2nd term power. When he ends Obamacare in this pandemic watch 20 million people die. And that's just for starters.
The Antichrist is reading Hitlers book
According to the Antichrist's first wife the demon keep a copy of Hitlers book under his bed and read it every night. The only book he read. You can see him using Hitlers movements and hate speech segments now when he's out on his Nazi infection rallies infecting his base with these political social germs. He seems to have learned a lot from that book along with teachings by his father Lucifer.
Thursday, October 15, 2020
New World Order Depopulation Alert. Herd Immunity.
New World Order Depopulation Alert! Trump who is part of the Deep State? he hides behind? is now pushing for Herd Immunity from this possible A.I. artificially designed Covid Virus which could kill billions of people worldwide using Herd immunity the depopulation conspiracy goal of the NWO. https://www.theweek.co.uk/108310/donald-trump-herd-immunity-plan-could-result-in-millions-dead
Friday, October 2, 2020
Global Warming end times as seen by the Celestial Quantum Mechanics
Global Warming end times as seen by the Celestial Quantum Mechanics which was written in the Bible with the rise of Trump with the goal of destroying Earth with support from people who go by the satanic name of the Deplorables. Quote from the Bible....
"On that Day the heavens will disappear with a shrill noise, the heavenly bodies will burn up (global warming) and be destroyed, and the earth with everything in it will vanish. One of his first acts of Trump as US president was to withdraw the US from the Paris Climate Treaty. This was Trump saying: “All humanity and all the creatures of the earth can burn.” Then he proceeded to align himself with all the despots and dictators of the world, from the Saudi regime, which is a caricature of evil, to Putin, who is a comic book megalomaniac. Fact is stranger than fiction. Will it all come true? Like Steve Miller Trumps mouthpiece said. Soon the world will know. Watch Trump the Antichrist rise from his Covid grave as a hero and his poll ratings go out the roof and get reelected while continue pulling his supporters down into the Lake of fire with him as they get more mean pushing his satanic base to torture all who stand against him. Stay tuned folks. I think we're in the Rapture right now and the horses are riding. It will be fascinating to witness along with equal horror all at the same in a time to witness this thing playing out the force of good against evil written about for thousands of years. We're in it right now. The Universe is strange. Prepare now make the choice of Heaven or Hell. Both are eternal. One is an eternal jail cell of horror the other a Bliss. There are rules in this universe we find ourselves in. Humans don't make those rules. We can change the timelines though to make a better world. Just my social media daily rant thoughts. I really don't have a complete clue but feel I have an understanding. And I think I do know what evil looks like. The GOP opened the door to the Devil along with his controlled base. Once you take the number of the Beast you can't give it back. Those are the rules. Your caught like a fish and your mind is controlled you cannot pull yourself free. The Beast walked into the White House and I seriously doubt whether he's leaving anytime soon even with his Covid diagnosis. This reality show hasn't hit its highest ratings yet. But soon will. Stay tuned.......Karma really is a Bitch http://jamen.do/t/1637870Sunday, September 27, 2020
Trump broke owes millions upon millions to Putin. Didn't pay any taxes forever it seems.
Now I get it. He owes all those millions to Putin that's why he praises that Dictator and writes love letters to him or was that the other Dictator guy in North Korea. American banks no longer gave Donnie loans cause he filed for bankruptcy too many times losing more money than it takes to send a hundred men to the moon so he went to Russia asked Putin and he handed over the loot. With one exception though. I want you to do everything I tell you which is ruin America in return and set up a coup so we can finally win the cold war and get those Russians tanks in the American streets. Donnie agreed but now the cosmic Karma has come a knocking to show everyone the emperor really doesn't have any clothes on. Although the 40% still see him in his undies. The blindfold around their minds are too tight. I really wonder if he ever made any money. His Dad gave him around 400 million dollars and he lost it all. How could you lose that much money. Bet Daddy got really mad.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Things are getting very Apocalyptic under these Antichrist times
Trumps plan to get rid of Social Security which he has now mentioned twice if he gets reelected. He plans to end the payroll tax which funds social security. With the trust fund exhausted, remaining revenues would only be able to pay for 50 percent of promised benefits, declining over time. For an average earner who retired at the age of 66, a 50 percent benefit cut in 2025 would be a loss of $859 per month, or $10,313 over a year, in today’s dollars. Be careful who you vote for Retirees you may get your wish and you might not like what you get in return. Nothing. You may find yourself living in a tent in the woods scrounging through garbage bins for food. Of course it won't affect the rich they'll be getting richer. AGAIN.
Getting scary in America right now. Things are getting very Apocalyptic under these Antichrist times the 40% put us in. Bound to happen sooner or later I guess. Pandemic pentalence virus. Destruction by Global warming fire. Earth seems to be going up in flames as predicted. Huge monster storms unheard of 5 in a row right now headed our way. Wormwood destruction? Soon Famine starvation when the temperatures begin to really soar destroying all crops? No telling what's going to emerge from out of the melting permafrost up North. God knows what's going to emerge from there when those ice fields melt. And their melting real fast right now. I think those horsemen are on their way if not already here.
I think we need a divine intervention very soon or at least some people need to get their head out of their tribal ass and take that blindfold off their mind and wake up. There still might be a chance to pull out of this Apocalypse or a least maybe slow it down for awhile to get our bearings back so the majority of people on Planet Earth can get some common sense back and do something constructive instead of letting the self serving few set their destructive agenda for the rest of us. The silent many.
Saturday, September 5, 2020
New Age Nazi's with a Coke Spoon up their nose
New Age Nazi's? So people at Woodstock were really on the Right. That could be true. I've heard that before and I've always kinda of thought that. Peace and Love? Look what happened. We went from Woodstock to Wall Street. The Baby Boomers could have changed the world with their sheer numbers but look what happened. Now Trump will most likely be the Boomer Legacy most likely. Not the music or the ideals of Woodstock which probably weren't really there to begin with. To bad. The Boomers blew it. Could have changed the world but instead ended up on Wall Street with a coke spoon up their nose.
Friday, August 28, 2020
Don't open your door and let these Antichrist people who are now trying to enter your house come in. Very dangerous.
America right now under the leadership of the new American Nazi's with AR-15's, the possible Antichrist and the fake CINO's who are Christian in name only are destroying all morals, values and any sense of decency ushering in an American dark age. The 40% are truly deplorable, demonic elements moving throughout American society, a vile people spitting out a dangerous Luciferian Virus much worse in the end than Covid 19 if and if we don't find a cure soon for their rabid Rabie disease of the mind sent by the devil himself its going to get much much worse. The killing has started like predicted under Trump. Fact is much stranger than fiction. The Universe is beyond human thinking. Even if Biden wins the election the Antichrist will still be here on Fox News and all those evil networks like Brietbart. He's not going away. Prepare yourself. Your body will die but your soul last forever. If the Antichrist crowd shows up and knocks on your door don't open it and let them enter your house. Very dangerous.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Secret police in Oregon....KGB Russian Military?
Friday, July 3, 2020
Trump loves those popularity poll numbers from his 40% followers and they love him mostly men like a puppy dog with two penises.
America those 40% people are going nuts and getting more mean and demonic by the day and getting more crazy and gun totin by the minute. It's like a Deplorable Zombie invasion with guns and they wear that Deplorable term with a badge while not wearing a mask because their God Trump told them not too even though it may cause them death.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Tik Tockers and K Popers sabotaged Trump Nazi Rally!
This is about the coolest thing I've heard in ages. Young people finally doing something about all this. And their doing it in a very very cool way. These Millennials are very smart. Where the baby boomers blew it and put the torch down and joined the corporate establishment. The Millennials are picking the social torch back up again and running with it in a non-violent very smart way for social change towards that promised land that started in the 60's was abandoned but now the flowers are started to grow again.
Friday, June 19, 2020
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Antichrist holding virus infected worship rally for his satanically induced followers to spread pestilence and death?
Jakobs Diary Trance Of The Monarch Butterfly
I'm beginning to truly believe this television celebrity the Orange Carrot Puppet who seems to be under the control of Lutin the Poison Chef from the Russian Federation which is now under Reptilian Drac rule that the Orange Carrot Puppet which is what Lutin calls him just might be the Antichrist.This living thing of evil the ultimate stringed puppet of hate, destruction, torture and death, the Antichrist from the Hell sector sent by that fallen Angel Asshole Lucifer. The Orange Carrot Puppet seems to have supernatural powers. Who else but someone with supernatural powers could get thousands of people to follow him to travel to a lethal killer virus infected stadium in Tulsa Oklahoma for a worship rally? To worship the Orange Carrot Puppet like a God in his Temple. In a diseased virus infected makeshift Temple of Doom.
His followers who seem to be in a Luciferian Satanic induced trance are risking a death so horrific by a possible artificial intelligently designed micro robot, hybrid space bug, believed to be designed by the Drac Scientists at the New World Order. Designed at their A.I. designer pandemic eugenics and genocidal medical laboratories. Controlled bugs that will climb into your lungs and eat holes through the lung skin lining resulting in a most horrific death. Targeting mostly the elderly and black people now. That's about to change though very soon through mutation according to the Blood Moon Guilds Daily Beast Reporters as their sources report, they believe this celebrity Antichrist is going to turn against his followers soon now, eventually turning against the entire world, turning humans against themselves as this virus possibly gets a big push a big spread resulting from the Tulsa worship rally.
Again who else could get people to do such a thing to follow him into a Temple of Doom to worship his greatness while millions of microscopic self generating killer robots, a hybrid virus floating swirling in the air all around them hiding in the air waiting to find an opening to enter the lungs of worshippers to feast on and spread pestilence and death? The answer becomes more clear everyday.
Dantes HEXbelt Inferno
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Will Trump refuse to leave office if he loses the election?
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Trump holds Bible upside down and backwards ANTICHRIST?
I've been saying this for awhile now about Trump being the possible Antichrist. He held the bible upside down and...
Posted by Lenny Wiles Llionstar - Guitarist Songwriter graphic COMIX video novelist on Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Friday, May 29, 2020
90% radio and local tv stations now owned by the new Nazi organizations
Monday, May 25, 2020
God and Truth to stay alive
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
If Trump goes down he's taken everyone down with him
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The U.K. shuts down Fox News.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Karma is a Bitch Antichrist not wearing a mask
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Church selling bleach as Covid 19 cure
Nurse confronts a Luciferian Infected human holding a False Flag a Protest Rally
If Jesus The Healer were here at this protest I wonder who he would stand with that brave Nurse or that old white Cino...
Posted by Len Wiles on Sunday, April 26, 2020

Friday, April 24, 2020
Should you drink Lysol to cure the Coronavirus?
Meet your new doctor. I just had a doctor visit online because of the virus risk going into the hospital. Saw my doctor ...
Posted by Len Wiles on Friday, April 24, 2020

Sunday, March 29, 2020
Yes Trump truly fired Obama's entire expert Pandemic Team
enter Supernatural Gear Vlogasphere
Yes Trump fired Obama's entire expert Pandemic Team which was praised for it's effectiveness to halt pandemics before the spread. The question that truly needs to be answered is Why?...... Why did he do it? The Media has asked him but he keeps bad mouthing press reporters and just telling those who question him saying your a bad reporter. Sick. Then saying it was a Democrat hoax. What is this Dictator up too? It's just going to get weirder and weirder I suspect. Somebody needs to infiltrate that "666" 5th Avenue Trump building. There is some weird stuff going on in there some people are saying. Microchip office and possible Artificial Intelligence operations. Was a virus developed by artificial intelligence designed to target the elderly today another designed to target ethics tomorrow. Many people in mostly the GOP truly want to get rid of certain segments of society. While the rich and powerful have a designer antidote for themselves. Artificial Intelligence can do millions of calculations right now that would take humans a thousand years to do in a matter of days. A group of researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) say their machine-learning algorithm was able to identify a powerful new antibiotic compound, capable of killing some of the world's most problematic disease-causing bacteria. I think we're headed for what I call the Perfect Paranormal Storm when all these terrible lethal things come together with economic destruction, Global warming's monster storms and the permafrost melt. God knows what's going to come out of there. Viruses been frozen in there for millions of years now ready to be let loose into the air from the melt. A.I. will completely surpass the human brain by 2028 in what is referred to as the Singularity. The Computers themselves have told us that they will surpass us. Hopefully we can use this fast moving technology for good not evil although it may have already been used as an evil force with Virus. Hopefully not. But, power corrupts and the love of money is the main root of evil. AI will be the most powerful force the human race has ever seen. It's here now. Welcome to the New World Order. I think now might be a good time to say a prayer or two.Thursday, March 26, 2020
Euthanize everyone over 60? Cornavirus artificial intelligent designer virus?
The Mooch, Trumps one time mouth piece has said eventually Trump will turn on everyone. Is he referring to that red button, WW3? Like Steve Miller Trumps other mouth piece and originator of the demonic mass child in cage policy has said. "Soon the world will know......" Keep watch on that "666" 5th avenue Trump building in NYC. Look it up on goggle. Strange things inside that building.... Microchip office is in there. I think its just going to get weirder and weirder. Once you receive the number of the beast you can't give it back un-receive. Like if you kill someone or yourself you can't un-kill. Once you condemn your soul you can't un-condemn it. Damage done. Too late. Everyone is vulnerable. Watch for deceptions and fake promises. These are red antichrist flags.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Conspiracy Theory for the day Corona Virus
Here is my Conspiracy Theory for the day about the Corona Virus. What is Sci Fi today may become Sci Fi tomorrow or may...
Posted by Lenny Wiles Lionstar - Guitarist Songwriter graphic COMIX video novelist on Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Monday, March 9, 2020
Antichrist right on time declaring himself the chosen one
Here he comes right on time from declaring himself the Chosen one, declaring he needs not to ask for forgiveness cause...
Posted by Len Wiles on Monday, March 9, 2020
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Elections are being rigged all over the place - Psycho Politico
Friday, February 28, 2020
No such thing as the Liberal Media.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Has socialism time arrived for America
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Why Democratic Socialism Is Gaining Popularity In The United States
Automation will take away all manual jobs by 2030. And, A.I. will follow with the Singularity predicted to happen around 2028 where artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence eliminating a large sector of White Collar jobs even medical surgeons. We're going to need a new form of social engineering and Democratic Socialism or Enhanced Capitalism the term which is now being used by some will be a good start. But, it may not be the total answer to these massive and for many scary high tech changes coming fast which most Americans don't understand that will change society dramatically. There is no stopping it. Rich elites and psychopathic dictators in power will use it not for money money will soon become obsolete but for power if they control this new world. Power will be the new currency. It will either be power to the people as John Lennon once wrote or the 1%. The American and people around the world now, people need to make sure they control it not the 1%. If people are no longer needed for labor that's where some of the conspiracy theories come into play. Depopulation. Or, what Kissinger has called the middle class, "Eaters." They would love a world where technology gives the elites all they need with a small population. The planet all to themselves. The dream of bloodline elites. Welcome to the New World Order if that happens. "Enhanced Fascist Dictatorship" Welcome to a better world if we control it - Lenny Lionstar