Friday, January 31, 2020

FUCK YOU LIBERAL JERKS AND EVERYONE ELSE. YOU LOOKING AT ME? I"M the ANTCHRIST! Dictatorship Antichrist of the GOP God Opposition Party.

Dictatorship or Antichrist of the GOP God Opposition Party. Take your pic. Either way we're screwed. Can't stop it now. It's in motion. Hope the 40% are happy. It should be interesting to watch when the demonics come for their guns. They'll be the first ones taken out to the back of their house and have their brains blown out most likely with a Drone. No guns allowed for citizens in a Dictatorship unless you join the Luciferian new SS Nazi League. Many will. We're witnessing the death of American democracy. Bound to happen anyway. Good things never last forever. Demonic elements always kick the good away to make way for their rabid infected demonic foaming at the mouth souls until someone cleans up the mess like the soldiers of WW2 had to do with 92 million deaths. And for the most part all because of greed and some asshole who somehow convinced everyone that he was the second coming of Jesus. History repeats itself time and time again. And the human race never learns cause I'm convinced the human race loves hate in the end, it's a drug and they will commit global suicide along with Trump when he says "If I'm going down, then everyone's going down with me. Give me that red nuke button I'm ready to push. Fuck you liberal jerks and everyone else. Your coming with me right into Hell. Don't say God didn't warn you.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

got my gun got my truck and I'm red neck dumb fu^7^ck

Trump if he loses will say it's rigged and then his got my gun got my truck and I'm red neck dumb fu^7^ck are going come shooting. They can't wait to kill someone with their lethal toys as long as no one is shooting back. Most Liberals or Greens don't carry killing devices. At least not yet.

Organized religion is the problem. Jesus is not a religion. Christ is something unexplainable as a spiritual celestial force or being we don't understand that tried to get us away from all the killing us humans are still doing along with warfare and hate and to try and get us to live in peace and love kinda of like what the Hippies tried to do in the 60's which of course failed. As far as Jesus being real. Life is much much stranger than fiction. The infinite universe is one strange place. Lots going on out there.

Trumps Antichrist Luciferian Cult Base - Lionstar 666 Daily Beast Report

His cult base doesn't care if he lies, cheats, murders people, cons them out of their money, throw children in cages, wants to refuse health care unless your rich, take food from the poor and on and on . The Evangelicals think he is Jesus believe it or not. I thought Jesus healed and gave poor people food. He has said he's better than Jesus. They believe and worship him. Antichrist behavior for sure if you believe in such things. Otherwise just the actions of a fascist Dictator or your run of the mill American Mobster. Hard to wrap your head around it. Sooner or later though people will bow down to the one they serve and will get what they deserve. Rule under a Dictator. Here comes those Luciferian execution squads with those M-15's.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Trump is not the Hero

Why would anyone in middle class want this even the 40%. They need to take that blindfold around their mind off soon before it's too late. He's said he's cutting social security which we paid in throughout our lives he's said this time and time again. And I believe him on this one. He's not telling a lie on this one. Google it. If he gets a second term then it's the green light for him, Moscow Mitch and the GOP to cut Medicare and completely get rid of Medicade which mostly affects the disabled and the elderly. What will the cripples do. So demonic. What will they do. He wants to cut S.S. 20% in the first year then eventually phase it out. Get rid of Food stamps which affects workers and the poor, lots of homeless Veterans who went to war then got the shaft when they got back except for that sign people put on their cars, "support our troops." Does nothing but makes the right wingers feel good I guess like their doing something important. It's going to get really weird if he gets elected. We ain't seen nothing yet. He will give all that paid in money to the rich including new Tax money he's going to extract from what's left of the middle class. Like Steve Miller says Trumps right hand guy, "soon the world will know." Know what Steve? Fill us in. Welcome to the New World Order. We'll soon learn Trump is not the Hero.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Hitler still alive? His Fascists Nazi Dream world now coming true in a Perfect Paranormal Storm?

A storm is coming. Time to hunker down for the possible final solution of Hitlers Nazi dream coming true as some in American society supports his dream which now seems to be circling the world too as Nazi Fascism is spreading through Europe. A perfect social situation for Hitlers demonic Fascist dream. Hitler said he would eventually win the war even if he is dead. Maybe he's not dead though. Dr. Mengele the Nazi Angel Of Death was working on youth drugs with children developing Adrenochrome, adrenal extractions from frightened children. ( Google adrenochrome ) His Hitler still alive? Maybe that explains a lot of what's going now with the GOP senators. Fact may be a lot stranger than fiction stranger than anything imaginable in this fast moving high tech age we're living in as we may be approaching a perfect paranormal storm.

Putin taking over the United States

Depopulation planned after the Singularity of Artificial Intelligence occurs in 2028

Hasn't been the same since the NWO shot and killed Kennedy after he gave that secret society speech. That's when the International Crime Organizations completely took over. The rich elites and bloodlines won't need labor soon with A.I. and robotics. Won't need people for jobs cause their won't be any jobs. The GOP's first plan of action when they get re-selected will be get rid of Medicade and Medicare and cut social security by 20%. Then complete elimination. Get rid of the boomers first. Starve them out. Refuse health care let them die. Their only useless eaters to quote Kissinger. Then the secret chemtrail poisoning sprayed from chemplanes will be stepped up to take out huge portions of the populations seemingly dying of a strange epidemic like the one currently coming from China. Only those elites and bloodlines with the antidote will survive. Populations will be brought down to around half million and only the elites will be left to build their earthly paradise. Their taking adrenal chrome the youth drug to extend their life spans so they plan on living a long time. Selective genocide. That's their final goal, the final solution to reference Hitler. The Singularity will occur around 2028 when artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence with all labor by robots. That's why all the unions are vanishing. No need for labor. So, no need for labor unions or workers. Welcome To The New World Order. Wow that was deep! LOL. Working this Comix episode.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Just call me Mr. Tree Hugger

I'm going to get a couple of these plants. Thanks for the heads up Cindy. Currently trying to grow an avocado plant inside. And some other trees. Trees keep us alive making fresh oxygen and we keep them alive making fresh carbon monoxide. Sweet heart deal. It's a win win. We work together. Want to add more pure clean oxygen inside. Just call me Mr. Tree Hugger. Love trees. LOL.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Killing Of the Pigs - Swimming in boiling water in a Slaughterhouse

I watched a slaughterhouse pig video a few months ago and ever since then I can't eat pigs anymore. Just totally freaked me out. The abuse of the pigs being tortured and killed swimming in boiling water being hung upside down alive on hooks in a corporate environment totally just freaked me out and made me sad for the beast even though I grew up on a farm and help in butchering pigs. We never treated them like this. I'll just wait until they come out with the plant based pig cause I do love the taste of pig. I eat the plant based burgers now which taste just like meat using beets which look and taste like blood. Their working on Pork and chicken now too. Nothing against meat eaters though it's in our DNA to eat meat. I'll just stare right now. Not putting down meat eaters. Enjoy. I just can't do it anymore. Think I've been traumatized by that vid.

Lev Parnas Trumps Murder plot of an ambassador

Watched Lev. So freakin unreal. Scary stuff from these Fascists. Murder plot of an ambassador? They need to look in Steve Bannon's Acid Tub. Bet there's a lot of melted Bodies in there. Maybe some Americans too. Lots of Putins journalists that didn't report his fake news that have mysteriously  disappeared? Pad locks on two doors in his rented apartment to the door of an Acid tub room? Gets weirder and weirder. Wait till the Russian Coupe announcer shows up on TV with an announced takeover of America. Like Steve Miller Trumps right hand guy said, "Soon the World will know." Lenny Wiles Lionstar  

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Hackers and Voting Machine Riggers

All these people in the Media not just Fox News are controlled by the NWO. Most of the Democrats are rich just like the Republicans. They do not care about the poor and middle class. The Media Anchors most are rich, they don't care about the medical crisis or the people and definitely don't want democratic socialism. They don't need it. When the Robots and Automation take all jobs and it will happen the middle class will need it and the safety nets won't be there. Bernie is one of the few candidates that does truly want to implement policies for the people. Although Young has talked about the coming Singularity. I hate to say it but I don't think Bernie will win the nomination unless the voting is so massive it goes beyond any rigging. Both parties rig the machines it's just a matter of who is better at it. A 9 year Kid broke into the voting machines just to show how easy it is. The NWO will pick the next President most likely rig it for Trump again and his International Crime money laundering and child porn ring with help from the Russian Federation. The Russians are very smart and have the smartest hackers in the world. Two Russian spy ships were seen off the coast recently but the media doesn't really mention it. Most likely gearing up for a voting hack or even an infrastruct hack. Welcome to the New World Order of Dictatorship rule of our Planet. Possibly Antichrist control if you believe in such things.

Friday, January 10, 2020

The 40% are Throwing Turds in the punch bowl under the Luciferian Spell of Antichrist Trump

The 40% can't see it their on a demonic trance high. Throwing turds in the punch bowl under the Luciferian spell. Antichrist? Things seem to be heading in that direction just like it's been forecast a long time ago. Fact is much stranger than fiction. The universe is complex and there are things going on we as humans our brains will never understand because the real us our conscious is outside the brain and travels through Fermions with only so much knowledge being allowed to flow through. Antichrist is real? We may soon find out. Like Steve Miller Trumps right hand guy said. "The World will soon know." What does he mean by that statement. Stay tuned. Protect your spiritual karmic soul which is much more important than your physical body which has an expiration date. Eternity is forever which is a hell of a long time. Wow! That was deep. LOL! My strange thought process for the day.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Political Cults and Tree hugger hate

 There are lot of right wingers who don't believe that we need to protect the planet our habitat we live on. I have some friends who actually seem to get high like on a drug or something when they say the word Tree Hugger. Calling someone a Tree Hugger they get off on it. I think a lot of this stupidity for not wanting to protect the environment it goes beyond politics. It's cult behavior like Jim Jones and so on. There is such a vapid void of belonging today in society people tend to join a team even if it's not in their own interest to do so. Hate is also a very powerful drug. Hitler used it to get people high and to great effect.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Android Takeover of the world

Once A.I. and Robotics take over all jobs by 2030 which is predicted by A.I. itself, they'll be no need for middle class or poor workers. That's why labor unions are being destroyed around the world cause they'll be no need for labor unions. No labor needed. All eaters the middle class and poor as Henry Kissinger calls us will be eliminated by the rich elites of the NWO. The population of "Eaters" will be killed as the worthless population and the world will be givin only to the one percent elites as the population will be brought way down to around 6 million worldwide. Sorry 40 percenters your not included. But, keep voting for the elites anyway whatever makes you feel powerful until your eventual demise.

global warming

Global warming is only going to get worse with the results of a do nothing I love money and greed more than life itself society. So sad the demonic Evangelicals have helped to push this agenda with Trump who is probably the Antichrist who I think he is but that's just my thoughts. Like Steve Miller says soon the world will know. I could be wrong but I don't think Jesus would advocate putting Kids in cages or poisoning the waters, making fun of cripples and hurting the poor by cutting the food supply, worshipping money and the rich and blocking health care and healing to people without money. Jesus healed people and didn't asked for a dime. And destroying the God givin Earth to us to live on by letting it be destroyed for profit led by false prophets of Lucifer. But, I guess this was all written about long ago and it's coming into fruition now. As written "In 2nd Peter 3 the world will be destroyed by fire."

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Depopulation of Humans by Robotics and A.I.

Once A.I. and Robotics take over all jobs by 2030 which is predicted by A.I. itself, they'll be no need for middle class or poor workers. That's why labor unions are being destroyed around the world cause they'll be no need for labor unions. No labor needed. All eaters the middle class and poor as Henry Kissinger calls us will be eliminated by the rich elites of the NWO. The population of "Eaters" will be killed as the worthless population and the world will be givin only to the one percent elites as the population will be brought way down to around 6 million worldwide. Sorry 40 percenters your not included. But, keep voting for the elites anyway whatever makes you feel powerful until your eventual demise.