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Friday, January 24, 2020
Trump is not the Hero
Why would anyone in middle class want this even the 40%. They need to take that blindfold around their mind off soon before it's too late. He's said he's cutting social security which we paid in throughout our lives he's said this time and time again. And I believe him on this one. He's not telling a lie on this one. Google it. If he gets a second term then it's the green light for him, Moscow Mitch and the GOP to cut Medicare and completely get rid of Medicade which mostly affects the disabled and the elderly. What will the cripples do. So demonic. What will they do. He wants to cut S.S. 20% in the first year then eventually phase it out. Get rid of Food stamps which affects workers and the poor, lots of homeless Veterans who went to war then got the shaft when they got back except for that sign people put on their cars, "support our troops." Does nothing but makes the right wingers feel good I guess like their doing something important. It's going to get really weird if he gets elected. We ain't seen nothing yet. He will give all that paid in money to the rich including new Tax money he's going to extract from what's left of the middle class. Like Steve Miller says Trumps right hand guy, "soon the world will know." Know what Steve? Fill us in. Welcome to the New World Order. We'll soon learn Trump is not the Hero.
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