Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Hackers and Voting Machine Riggers

All these people in the Media not just Fox News are controlled by the NWO. Most of the Democrats are rich just like the Republicans. They do not care about the poor and middle class. The Media Anchors most are rich, they don't care about the medical crisis or the people and definitely don't want democratic socialism. They don't need it. When the Robots and Automation take all jobs and it will happen the middle class will need it and the safety nets won't be there. Bernie is one of the few candidates that does truly want to implement policies for the people. Although Young has talked about the coming Singularity. I hate to say it but I don't think Bernie will win the nomination unless the voting is so massive it goes beyond any rigging. Both parties rig the machines it's just a matter of who is better at it. A 9 year Kid broke into the voting machines just to show how easy it is. The NWO will pick the next President most likely rig it for Trump again and his International Crime money laundering and child porn ring with help from the Russian Federation. The Russians are very smart and have the smartest hackers in the world. Two Russian spy ships were seen off the coast recently but the media doesn't really mention it. Most likely gearing up for a voting hack or even an infrastruct hack. Welcome to the New World Order of Dictatorship rule of our Planet. Possibly Antichrist control if you believe in such things.

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