Friday, January 10, 2020

The 40% are Throwing Turds in the punch bowl under the Luciferian Spell of Antichrist Trump

The 40% can't see it their on a demonic trance high. Throwing turds in the punch bowl under the Luciferian spell. Antichrist? Things seem to be heading in that direction just like it's been forecast a long time ago. Fact is much stranger than fiction. The universe is complex and there are things going on we as humans our brains will never understand because the real us our conscious is outside the brain and travels through Fermions with only so much knowledge being allowed to flow through. Antichrist is real? We may soon find out. Like Steve Miller Trumps right hand guy said. "The World will soon know." What does he mean by that statement. Stay tuned. Protect your spiritual karmic soul which is much more important than your physical body which has an expiration date. Eternity is forever which is a hell of a long time. Wow! That was deep. LOL! My strange thought process for the day.

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